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Data Availability

Since the AuroraX platform is built around metadata in a database, we lose a bit of visibility regarding what data is in the system at any given time. To help with this, we have a function that provides data availability information to users.

Data availability information from AuroraX consists of the number of ephemeris or data product records for a given day and a given data source. We visualize it using the Data Availability webpage.

Below, we'll have a look at an example of retrieving data availability information programmatically.

Example - get data availability information

In this example, the availability of ephemeris records is retrieved for all Swarm instruments for a 5 day period.

The search.availability module has functions for retrieving the availability of ephemeris and data product records. These functions return a list of AvailabilityResult objects for every data source that matches the filter criteria provided to the function.

# imports
import datetime
import pyaurorax
aurorax = pyaurorax.PyAuroraX()

# set up availability params
start =, 1, 1)
end =, 1, 5)
program = "swarm"

# get availability information
availability =, 

# have a look at the availability data

Example output would look like:

    AvailabilityResult(data_source=DataSource(identifier=3, program='swarm', platform='swarma', instrument_type='footprint', source_type='leo', display_name='Swarm A'), 
                           '2019-01-01': 1440, 
                           '2019-01-02': 1440, 
                           '2019-01-03': 1440, 
                           '2019-01-04': 1440, 
                           '2019-01-05': 1440}),
    AvailabilityResult(data_source=DataSource(identifier=29, program='swarm', platform='swarmb', instrument_type='footprint', source_type='leo', display_name='Swarm B'), 
                           '2019-01-01': 1440, 
                           '2019-01-02': 1440, 
                           '2019-01-03': 1440, 
                           '2019-01-04': 1440, 
                           '2019-01-05': 1440}),
    AvailabilityResult(data_source=DataSource(identifier=30, program='swarm', platform='swarmc', instrument_type='footprint', source_type='leo', display_name='Swarm C'), 
                           '2019-01-01': 1440, 
                           '2019-01-02': 1440, 
                           '2019-01-03': 1440, 
                           '2019-01-04': 1440, 
                           '2019-01-05': 1440})

Use the aurorax_ephemeris_availability() and aurorax_data_product_availability() functions to retrieve data availability information from AuroraX in IDL.

IDL> data = aurorax_ephemeris_availability('20200101','20200105',program='swarm')

Example output would look like:

IDL> help,data[0]
** Structure <5cab0610>, 2 tags, length=128, data length=128, refs=2:
   DATA_SOURCE            STRUCT    -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
   AVAILABLE_EPHEMERIS    STRUCT    -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
IDL> data[0]
    "DATA_SOURCE": {
        "IDENTIFIER": 3,
        "PROGRAM": "swarm",
        "PLATFORM": "swarma",
        "INSTRUMENT_TYPE": "footprint",
        "SOURCE_TYPE": "leo",
        "DISPLAY_NAME": "Swarm A"
        "_2020_01_01": 1440,
        "_2020_01_02": 1440,
        "_2020_01_03": 1440,
        "_2020_01_04": 1440,
        "_2020_01_05": 1440

You can use the aurorax-cli tool to retrieve data availability information too.

$ aurorax-cli availability ephemeris 2020/01/01 2020/01/05 --program=swarm

Example output would be:

Identifier ↓   Display Name   Program   Platform   Instrument Type   Source Type   Date         Available Records
3              Swarm A        swarm     swarma     footprint         leo           2020-01-01   1,440            
3              Swarm A        swarm     swarma     footprint         leo           2020-01-02   1,440            
3              Swarm A        swarm     swarma     footprint         leo           2020-01-03   1,440            
3              Swarm A        swarm     swarma     footprint         leo           2020-01-04   1,440            
3              Swarm A        swarm     swarma     footprint         leo           2020-01-05   1,440            
3              Swarm A        swarm     swarma     footprint         leo           2020-01-06   1,440            
29             Swarm B        swarm     swarmb     footprint         leo           2020-01-01   1,440            
29             Swarm B        swarm     swarmb     footprint         leo           2020-01-02   1,440            
29             Swarm B        swarm     swarmb     footprint         leo           2020-01-03   1,440            
29             Swarm B        swarm     swarmb     footprint         leo           2020-01-04   1,440            
29             Swarm B        swarm     swarmb     footprint         leo           2020-01-05   1,440            
29             Swarm B        swarm     swarmb     footprint         leo           2020-01-06   1,440            
30             Swarm C        swarm     swarmc     footprint         leo           2020-01-01   1,440            
30             Swarm C        swarm     swarmc     footprint         leo           2020-01-02   1,440            
30             Swarm C        swarm     swarmc     footprint         leo           2020-01-03   1,440            
30             Swarm C        swarm     swarmc     footprint         leo           2020-01-04   1,440            
30             Swarm C        swarm     swarmc     footprint         leo           2020-01-05   1,440            
30             Swarm C        swarm     swarmc     footprint         leo           2020-01-06   1,440            

For more usage details, you can look at the aurorax-cli help too.

$ aurorax-cli availability ephemeris --help 

There are many different ways in Javascript to send a GET request, so we'll show it using a basic HTTP request. You can do this with AJAX, JQuery, Node, React, etc.

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "");

You can also just make the request right from your browser. Copy the following URL and paste it in your browser URL bar.