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Conjunction Search

AuroraX developer tools provide a way to quickly find conjunctions between data sources. Below, we'll have a look at how to perform a simple conjunction search request.

Also see:

Below, we'll have a look at how to run "Example 1" on the Conjunction Search webpage: searching for conjunctions between a couple THEMIS ASIs and any Swarm satellite, across 3 days, with a max distance of 500km.

Example - search for conjunctions between a single ground and space data source

The conjunctions module provides a way to search for conjunctions between data sources. Specifically we'll be interested in using the function.

# imports
import datetime
import pyaurorax
aurorax = pyaurorax.PyAuroraX()

# define search parameters
start = datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
end = datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 3, 23, 59, 59)
ground_params = [
        "programs": ["themis-asi"],
        "platforms": ["fort smith", "gillam"],
space_params = [
        "programs": ["swarm"],
        "hemisphere": ["northern"],
distance = 500

# run conjunction search request
s =,

# have a look at our results

Example output from the search function (the output can be silenced if you don't set the verbose parameter):

[2022-02-10 18:22:23.205686] Search object created
[2022-02-10 18:22:23.295399] Request submitted
[2022-02-10 18:22:23.295471] Request ID: c6d50305-5635-4b3e-9fe1-b517dfb1d7ba
[2022-02-10 18:22:23.295482] Request details available at:
[2022-02-10 18:22:23.295486] Waiting for data ...
[2022-02-10 18:22:24.404386] Checking for data ...
[2022-02-10 18:22:25.498323] Checking for data ...
[2022-02-10 18:22:25.589729] Data is now available
[2022-02-10 18:22:25.589881] Retrieving data ...
[2022-02-10 18:22:25.696360] Retrieved 83.9 kB of data containing 11 records

    Conjunction(start=datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 2, 9, 17), end=datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 2, 9, 17), min_distance=340.43, max_distance=340.43, data_sources=[...], events=[...]), 
    Conjunction(start=datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 3, 8, 37), end=datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 3, 8, 38), min_distance=237.91, max_distance=315.12, data_sources=[...], events=[...]), 
    Conjunction(start=datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1, 5, 58), end=datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1, 5, 59), min_distance=318.75, max_distance=415.14, data_sources=[...], events=[...]),

IDL-AuroraX provides the aurorax_conjunction_search() function to perform a conjunction search. Further, there are a couple helper functions to create the necessary objects as parameters to the search function.

; define timeframe and distance parameters
distance = 500
start_dt = '2019-01-01T00:00:00'
end_dt = '2019-01-03T23:59:59'

; create ground criteria block
ground1 = aurorax_create_criteria_block(programs=['themis-asi'],platforms=['fort smith', 'gillam'],/GROUND)
ground = list(ground1)

; create space criteria block
space1 = aurorax_create_criteria_block(programs=['swarm'],hemisphere=['northern'],/SPACE)
space = list(space1)

; perform search
response = aurorax_conjunction_search(start_dt,end_dt,distance,ground=ground,space=space,/NBTRACE)

Example output from the search function (the output can be silenced using the /QUIET keyword):

[Tue Mar 08 19:42:42 2022] Parsing start and end timestamps
[Tue Mar 08 19:42:42 2022] Creating request struct
[Tue Mar 08 19:42:42 2022] Sending search request ...
[Tue Mar 08 19:42:42 2022] Search request accepted
[Tue Mar 08 19:42:42 2022] Request ID: 4b0b6845-7b54-4a47-ab70-96d338f47167
[Tue Mar 08 19:42:42 2022] Waiting for search to finish ...
[Tue Mar 08 19:42:43 2022] Waiting for search to finish ...
[Tue Mar 08 19:42:44 2022] Waiting for search to finish ...
[Tue Mar 08 19:42:45 2022] Data is now available
[Tue Mar 08 19:42:45 2022] Downloading 85.39 KB of data ...
[Tue Mar 08 19:42:45 2022] Data downloaded, search completed
[Tue Mar 08 19:42:45 2022] Post-processing data into IDL struct
[Tue Mar 08 19:42:45 2022] Search completed, found 11 conjunctions in 3.6 seconds

Example output of a conjunction returned by the function:

IDL> help,response
** Structure <3cb2f360>, 3 tags, length=40, data length=36, refs=1:
   REQUEST_TYPE    STRING    'conjunctions'
   REQUEST_ID      STRING    '4b0b6845-7b54-4a47-ab70-96d338f47167'
   DATA            OBJREF    <ObjHeapVar2121(LIST)>
IDL> help,[0]
** Structure <65839f30>, 8 tags, length=88, data length=88, refs=2:
   START_DT        STRING    '2019-01-03T08:37:00'
   END_DT          STRING    '2019-01-03T08:38:00'
   MIN_DISTANCE    DOUBLE           237.91423
   MAX_DISTANCE    DOUBLE           315.11637
   CLOSEST_EPOCH   STRING    '2019-01-03T08:37:00'
   FARTHEST_EPOCH  STRING    '2019-01-03T08:38:00'
   DATA_SOURCES    OBJREF    <ObjHeapVar3252(LIST)>
   EVENTS          OBJREF    <ObjHeapVar3362(LIST)>
    "START_DT": "2019-01-03T08:37:00",
    "END_DT": "2019-01-03T08:38:00",
    "MIN_DISTANCE": 237.91422828781000,
    "MAX_DISTANCE": 315.11636987259999,
    "CLOSEST_EPOCH": "2019-01-03T08:37:00",
    "FARTHEST_EPOCH": "2019-01-03T08:38:00",
    "DATA_SOURCES": <ObjHeapVar3252(LIST)>,
    "EVENTS": <ObjHeapVar3362(LIST)>

Lastly, you can visualize this conjunction search in the Swarm-Aurora Conjunction Browser using a handy procedure called aurorax_open_conjunctions_in_swarmaurora:

IDL> aurorax_open_conjunctions_in_swarmaurora,response.request_id

Performing conjunction searches from the command line can be done using aurorax-cli and an input JSON file with the search parameters specified in it.

First step is to create your search JSON file.

Note: You can use the Conjunction Search webpage to generate this JSON if you want. Set up your search and then click on the "About Query" button, and copy the "JSON Format" content to your clipboard.

Filename: conjunction_search.json

  "start": "2019-01-01T00:00:00",
  "end": "2019-01-03T23:59:59",
  "conjunction_types": ["nbtrace"],
  "ground": [
      "programs": ["themis-asi"],
      "platforms": ["fort smith", "gillam"],
      "instrument_types": ["panchromatic ASI"],
      "ephemeris_metadata_filters": {}
  "space": [
      "programs": ["swarm"],
      "platforms": [],
      "instrument_types": ["footprint"],
      "ephemeris_metadata_filters": {},
      "hemisphere": ["northern"]
  "events": [],
  "max_distances": {"ground1-space1": 500}

Now, you can use the command line to run the search. The search results will be saved to a file that you can specify optionally.

$ aurorax-cli conjunctions search conjunction_search.json

And here is the example output from that command:

[2022-02-10 18:41:53.282721] Reading in query file ...
[2022-02-10 18:41:53.283756] Preparing search ...
[2022-02-10 18:41:53.284067] Search object created
[2022-02-10 18:41:53.399045] Request submitted
[2022-02-10 18:41:53.399224] Request ID: 7c3d28d4-62b5-450c-b533-3d67c7553cf9
[2022-02-10 18:41:53.399257] Request details available at:
[2022-02-10 18:41:54.517145] Checking for data ...
[2022-02-10 18:41:54.632752] Data is now available
[2022-02-10 18:41:54.633190] Downloading 11 results and 87.4 kB of data ...
[2022-02-10 18:41:54.745625] Writing data to file ...
[2022-02-10 18:41:54.750772] Data has been saved to '7c3d28d4-62b5-450c-b533-3d67c7553cf9_data.json'

To view all available parameters for the search command, you can view the help:

$ aurorax-cli conjunctions search --help