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AuroraX developer tools provide a way to retrieve ephemeris records from the AuroraX database. Below, we'll have a look at how to perform a ephemeris search request, which is much like conjunction and data product searching.

Let's say we want to retrieve all the ephemeris data for the THEMIS ASI in Gillam, for a single hour (UT06). We'll have a look at how to do this example below.

Example - perform a simple ephemeris search

The ephemeris module provides a way to retrieve data product data from AuroraX. Specifically we'll be interested in using the function.

# imports
import datetime
import pyaurorax
aurorax = pyaurorax.PyAuroraX()

# define search params
start = datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1, 6, 0, 0)
end = datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1, 6, 59, 59)
programs = ["themis-asi"]
platforms = ["gillam"]
instrument_types = ["panchromatic ASI"]

# perform the ephemeris search
s =,

# have a look at our results

Example output from the search function (the output can be silenced if you don't set the verbose parameter):

[2022-02-10 18:58:17.199294] Search object created
[2022-02-10 18:58:17.255970] Request submitted
[2022-02-10 18:58:17.256096] Request ID: 86d06815-47da-4098-b04f-b021d9ae21bf
[2022-02-10 18:58:17.256117] Request details available at:
[2022-02-10 18:58:17.256123] Waiting for data ...
[2022-02-10 18:58:18.342237] Checking for data ...
[2022-02-10 18:58:18.624596] Data is now available
[2022-02-10 18:58:18.624683] Retrieving data ...
[2022-02-10 18:58:18.705637] Retrieved 203.5 kB of data containing 60 records

    Ephemeris(data_source=DataSource(identifier=46, program='themis-asi', platform='gillam', instrument_type='panchromatic ASI', source_type='ground', display_name='THEMIS-ASI GILL'),
              epoch=datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1, 6, 0), 
              location_geo=Location(lat=56.376723, lon=-94.643664), 
              location_gsm=Location(lat=None, lon=None), 
              nbtrace=Location(lat=56.376723, lon=-94.643664), 
              nbtrace=Location(lat=56.376723, lon=-94.643664), 
              metadata={'clausen_ml_oath': ...}),
    Ephemeris(data_source=DataSource(identifier=46, program='themis-asi', platform='gillam', instrument_type='panchromatic ASI', source_type='ground', display_name='THEMIS-ASI GILL'),
              epoch=datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1, 6, 1), 
              location_geo=Location(lat=56.376723, lon=-94.643664), 
              location_gsm=Location(lat=None, lon=None), 
              nbtrace=Location(lat=56.376723, lon=-94.643664), 
              nbtrace=Location(lat=56.376723, lon=-94.643664), 
              metadata={'clausen_ml_oath': ...}),
    Ephemeris(data_source=DataSource(identifier=46, program='themis-asi', platform='gillam', instrument_type='panchromatic ASI', source_type='ground', display_name='THEMIS-ASI GILL'),
              epoch=datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1, 6, 2), 
              location_geo=Location(lat=56.376723, lon=-94.643664), 
              location_gsm=Location(lat=None, lon=None), 
              nbtrace=Location(lat=56.376723, lon=-94.643664), 
              nbtrace=Location(lat=56.376723, lon=-94.643664), 
              metadata={'clausen_ml_oath': ...}),

IDL-AuroraX provides the aurorax_ephemeris_search() function to perform an ephemeris search.

IDL> response = aurorax_ephemeris_search('2019-01-01T06:00','2019-01-01T06:59',programs=['themis-asi'],platforms=['gillam'],instrument_types=['panchromatic ASI'])

Example output from the search function (the output can be silenced using the /QUIET keyword):

[Tue Mar 01 18:58:56 2022] Parsing start and end timestamps
[Tue Mar 01 18:58:56 2022] Creating request struct
[Tue Mar 01 18:58:56 2022] Sending search request ...
[Tue Mar 01 18:58:56 2022] Search request accepted
[Tue Mar 01 18:58:56 2022] Request ID: 815f36e9-80d5-4965-a4d1-1dba3810a337
[Tue Mar 01 18:58:57 2022] Waiting for search to finish ...
[Tue Mar 01 18:58:58 2022] Data is now available
[Tue Mar 01 18:58:58 2022] Downloading 198.77 KB of data ...
[Tue Mar 01 18:58:58 2022] Data downloaded, search completed
[Tue Mar 01 18:58:58 2022] Search completed, found 60 records in 2.7 seconds

Example output of an ephemeris record returned by the function:

IDL> help,response
** Structure <3cc9ec70>, 3 tags, length=40, data length=36, refs=1:
   REQUEST_TYPE    STRING    'ephemeris'
   REQUEST_ID      STRING    'd7fe07f5-24b0-453d-8947-29b3493dbeff'
   DATA            OBJREF    <ObjHeapVar2361(LIST)>
IDL> help,[0]
** Structure <69a38590>, 7 tags, length=248, data length=248, refs=2:
   DATA_SOURCE     STRUCT    -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
   EPOCH           STRING    '2019-01-01T06:00:00'
   LOCATION_GEO    STRUCT    -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
   LOCATION_GSM    STRUCT    -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
   NBTRACE         STRUCT    -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
   SBTRACE         STRUCT    -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
   METADATA        STRUCT    -> <Anonymous> Array[1]

    "DATA_SOURCE": {
        "IDENTIFIER": 46,
        "PROGRAM": "themis-asi",
        "PLATFORM": "gillam",
        "INSTRUMENT_TYPE": "panchromatic ASI",
        "SOURCE_TYPE": "ground",
    "EPOCH": "2019-01-01T06:00:00",
        "LAT": 56.376722999999998,
        "LON": -94.643664000000001
        "LAT": "!NULL",
        "LON": "!NULL"
    "NBTRACE": {
        "LAT": 56.376722999999998,
        "LON": -94.643664000000001
    "SBTRACE": {
        "LAT": -72.794974970070754,
        "LON": -134.97438185364899
    "METADATA": {
        "CLAUSEN_ML_OATH": "classified as discrete",
        "CALGARY_APA_ML_V1": "classified as not APA",
        "CALGARY_CLOUD_ML_V1": "classified as not cloudy",
        "CALGARY_APA_ML_V1_CONFIDENCE": 100.00000000000000,
        "CALGARY_CLOUD_ML_V1_CONFIDENCE": 99.980000000000004

Performing ephemeris searches from the command line can be done using aurorax-cli and an input JSON file with the search parameters specified in it.

First step is to create your search JSON file.

Filename: ephemeris_search.json

  "start": "2019-01-01T06:00:00",
  "end": "2019-01-01T06:59:59",
  "data_sources": {
    "programs": ["themis-asi"],
    "platforms": ["gillam"],
    "instrument_types": ["panchromatic ASI"]

Now, you can use the command line to run the search. The search results will be saved to a file that you can specify optionally.

$ aurorax-cli ephemeris search ephemeris_search.json

And here is the example output from that command:

[2022-02-10 19:09:02.252895] Reading in query file ...
[2022-02-10 19:09:02.253117] Preparing search ...
[2022-02-10 19:09:02.253493] Search object created
[2022-02-10 19:09:02.319513] Request submitted
[2022-02-10 19:09:02.319598] Request ID: c37fd159-36c3-47bd-a9e1-6b4ea7ec2138
[2022-02-10 19:09:02.319611] Request details available at:
[2022-02-10 19:09:03.395136] Checking for data ...
[2022-02-10 19:09:03.493674] Data is now available
[2022-02-10 19:09:03.511975] Downloading 60 results and 203.5 kB of data ...
[2022-02-10 19:09:03.617620] Writing data to file ...
[2022-02-10 19:09:03.620776] Data has been saved to 'c37fd159-36c3-47bd-a9e1-6b4ea7ec2138_data.json'

To view all available parameters for the search command, you can view the help:

$ aurorax-cli ephemeris search --help