Use the AuroraX search engine to find conjunctions between groupings of data sources.
Note that all functions and classes from submodules are all imported at this level of the conjunctions module. They can be referenced from here instead of digging in deeper to the submodules.
class ConjunctionsManager (aurorax_obj)
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class ConjunctionsManager: """ The ConjunctionsManager object is initialized within every PyAuroraX object. It acts as a way to access the submodules and carry over configuration information in the super class. """ __STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME: float = 1.0 # Polling sleep time when waiting for data (after the initial sleep time), in seconds def __init__(self, aurorax_obj): self.__aurorax_obj = aurorax_obj # initialize sub-modules self.__swarmaurora = SwarmAuroraManager(self.__aurorax_obj) @property def swarmaurora(self): """ Access to the `swarmaurora` submodule from within a PyAuroraX object. """ return self.__swarmaurora def search(self, start: datetime.datetime, end: datetime.datetime, distance: Union[int, float, Dict], ground: Sequence[Union[GroundCriteriaBlock, Dict]] = [], space: Sequence[Union[SpaceCriteriaBlock, Dict]] = [], events: Sequence[Union[EventsCriteriaBlock, Dict]] = [], custom_locations: Sequence[Union[CustomLocationsCriteriaBlock, Dict]] = [], conjunction_types: Sequence[Union[str, Literal["nbtrace", "sbtrace", "geographic"]]] = [], response_format: Optional[Dict] = None, poll_interval: float = __STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME, return_immediately: bool = False, verbose: bool = False) -> ConjunctionSearch: """ Search for conjunctions By default, this function will block and wait until the request completes and all data is downloaded. If you don't want to wait, set the 'return_immediately` value to True. The Search object will be returned right after the search has been started, and you can use the helper functions as part of that object to get the data when it's done. Args: start (datetime.datetime): Start timestamp of the search (inclusive). end (datetime.datetime): End timestamp of the search (inclusive). distance (int or float or Dict): The maximum distance allowed between data sources when searching for conjunctions. This can either be a number (int or float), or a dictionary modified from the output of the "get_advanced_distances_combos()" function. ground (List[GroundCriteriaBlock or Dict]): List of ground instrument criteria blocks, defaults to []. space (List[SpaceCriteriaBlock or Dict]): List of space instrument criteria blocks, defaults to []. events (List[EventsCriteriaBlock or Dict]): List of event criteria blocks, defaults to []. custom_locations (List[CustomLocationsCriteriaBlock or Dict]): List of custom location criteria blocks, defaults to []. conjunction_types (List[str]): List of conjunction types, defaults to [] (meaning all conjunction types). Valid options are 'nbtrace', 'sbtrace', and 'geographic'. Defaults to 'nbtrace'. response_format (Dict): JSON representation of desired data response format. poll_interval (bool): Seconds to wait between polling calls, defaults to 1 second. return_immediately (bool): Initiate the search and return without waiting for data to be received, defaults to `False`. verbose (bool): Show the progress of the request using the request log, defaults to `False`. Returns: A `` object Raises: pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXSearchError: The API experienced a search error """ return func_search( self.__aurorax_obj, start, end, distance, ground, space, events, custom_locations, conjunction_types, response_format, poll_interval, return_immediately, verbose, ) def search_from_raw_query(self, query: Union[Dict, str], poll_interval: float = __STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME, return_immediately: bool = False, verbose: bool = False) -> ConjunctionSearch: """ Search for conjunctions, using a query dictionary as the input. This is especially useful if you're working in the AuroraX Conjunction Search webpage to create a search and you'd like to port it over to this Python library with ease. Args: query (Dict or str): A query in dictionary or string format. If it's in string format, it should valid JSON. In the conjunction search web page (, click on the 'More' button under the 'Tools' section on the right of the page. Then click on 'About query' to bring up a modal. Copy the query in JSON format using the clipboard icon, and use this JSON string as input to the function. Many JSON strings can be pasted as a dictionary object without any adjustments, however, there are a few edge cases. For example, if the max_distances field has 'null' values in it, then it is not valid Python. In this case, enclose the JSON in a multi-line string (using the triple-quotes), and pass the query as a string to the function. poll_interval (bool): Seconds to wait between polling calls, defaults to 1 second. return_immediately (bool): Initiate the search and return without waiting for data to be received, defaults to `False`. verbose (bool): Show the progress of the request using the request log, defaults to `False`. Returns: A `ConjunctionSearch` object. Raises: pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXSearchError: An error was encountered during the search process """ return func_search_from_raw_query(self.__aurorax_obj, query, poll_interval, return_immediately, verbose) def describe(self, search_obj: Optional[ConjunctionSearch] = None, query_dict: Optional[Dict] = None) -> str: """ Describe a conjunction search as an "SQL-like" string. Either a ConjunctionSearch object can be supplied, or a dictionary of the raw JSON query. Args: search_obj (ConjunctionSearch): The conjunction search to describe, optional query_dict (Dict): The conjunction search query represented as a raw dictionary, optional Returns: The "SQL-like" string describing the conjunction search object Raises: pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXError: Invalid arguments """ return func_describe(self.__aurorax_obj, search_obj, query_dict) def get_request_url(self, request_id: str) -> str: """ Get the conjunction search request URL for a given request ID. This URL can be used for subsequent pyaurorax.requests function calls. Primarily this method facilitates delving into details about a set of already-submitted conjunction searches. Args: request_id (str): The request identifier Returns: The request URL """ return func_get_request_url(self.__aurorax_obj, request_id) def create_advanced_distance_combos( self, distance: Optional[int] = None, ground: int = 0, space: int = 0, events: int = 0, custom: int = 0, ) -> Dict: """ Get the advanced distances combinations for the specified parameters Args: distance (int): The default distance to use, defaults to None ground (int): The number of ground criteria blocks, defaults to 0 space (int): The number of space criteria blocks, defaults to 0 events (int): The number of events criteria blocks, defaults to 0 custom (int): The number of custom location criteria blocks, defaults to 0 Returns: The advanced distances combinations """ return func_create_advanced_distance_combos(distance, ground, space, events, custom) def create_response_format_template(self, default: bool = True) -> Dict: """ Generate a template dictionary that can be used as the response_format parameter in a conjunction search. Args: default (bool): The default value to set for every parameter that can be returned, defaults to True. Returns: A template dictionary for the response format """ return { "conjunction_type": default, "start": default, "end": default, "min_distance": default, "max_distance": default, "closest_epoch": default, "farthest_epoch": default, "data_sources": { "identifier": default, "program": default, "platform": default, "instrument_type": default, "source_type": default, "display_name": default, "ephemeris_metadata_schema": { "field_name": default, "description": default, "data_type": default, "allowed_values": default, "additional_description": default }, "data_product_metadata_schema": { "field_name": default, "description": default, "data_type": default, "allowed_values": default, "additional_description": default }, "owner": default, "maintainers": default, "metadata": default }, "events": { "conjunction_type": default, "e1_source": { "identifier": default, "program": default, "platform": default, "instrument_type": default, "source_type": default, "display_name": default, "ephemeris_metadata_schema": { "field_name": default, "description": default, "data_type": default, "allowed_values": default, "additional_description": default }, "data_product_metadata_schema": { "field_name": default, "description": default, "data_type": default, "allowed_values": default, "additional_description": default }, "owner": default, "maintainers": default, "metadata": default }, "e2_source": { "identifier": default, "program": default, "platform": default, "instrument_type": default, "source_type": default, "display_name": default, "ephemeris_metadata_schema": { "field_name": default, "description": default, "data_type": default, "allowed_values": default, "additional_description": default }, "data_product_metadata_schema": { "field_name": default, "description": default, "data_type": default, "allowed_values": default, "additional_description": default }, "owner": default, "maintainers": default, "metadata": default }, "start": default, "end": default, "min_distance": default, "max_distance": default, "generated_e1_ephemeris_query": { "request_id": default, "data_sources": { "programs": default, "platforms": default, "instrument_types": default, "ephemeris_metadata_filters": { "logicalOperator": default, "expressions": { "key": default, "operator": default, "values": default } } }, "start": default, "end": default }, "generated_e2_ephemeris_query": { "request_id": default, "data_sources": { "programs": default, "platforms": default, "instrument_types": default, "ephemeris_metadata_filters": { "logicalOperator": default, "expressions": { "key": default, "operator": default, "values": default } } }, "start": default, "end": default } } }
The ConjunctionsManager object is initialized within every PyAuroraX object. It acts as a way to access the submodules and carry over configuration information in the super class.
Instance variables
prop swarmaurora
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@property def swarmaurora(self): """ Access to the `swarmaurora` submodule from within a PyAuroraX object. """ return self.__swarmaurora
Access to the
submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.
def create_advanced_distance_combos(self,
distance: int | None = None,
ground: int = 0,
space: int = 0,
events: int = 0,
custom: int = 0) ‑> Dict-
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def create_advanced_distance_combos( self, distance: Optional[int] = None, ground: int = 0, space: int = 0, events: int = 0, custom: int = 0, ) -> Dict: """ Get the advanced distances combinations for the specified parameters Args: distance (int): The default distance to use, defaults to None ground (int): The number of ground criteria blocks, defaults to 0 space (int): The number of space criteria blocks, defaults to 0 events (int): The number of events criteria blocks, defaults to 0 custom (int): The number of custom location criteria blocks, defaults to 0 Returns: The advanced distances combinations """ return func_create_advanced_distance_combos(distance, ground, space, events, custom)
Get the advanced distances combinations for the specified parameters
- The default distance to use, defaults to None
- The number of ground criteria blocks, defaults to 0
- The number of space criteria blocks, defaults to 0
- The number of events criteria blocks, defaults to 0
- The number of custom location criteria blocks, defaults to 0
The advanced distances combinations
def create_response_format_template(self, default: bool = True) ‑> Dict
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def create_response_format_template(self, default: bool = True) -> Dict: """ Generate a template dictionary that can be used as the response_format parameter in a conjunction search. Args: default (bool): The default value to set for every parameter that can be returned, defaults to True. Returns: A template dictionary for the response format """ return { "conjunction_type": default, "start": default, "end": default, "min_distance": default, "max_distance": default, "closest_epoch": default, "farthest_epoch": default, "data_sources": { "identifier": default, "program": default, "platform": default, "instrument_type": default, "source_type": default, "display_name": default, "ephemeris_metadata_schema": { "field_name": default, "description": default, "data_type": default, "allowed_values": default, "additional_description": default }, "data_product_metadata_schema": { "field_name": default, "description": default, "data_type": default, "allowed_values": default, "additional_description": default }, "owner": default, "maintainers": default, "metadata": default }, "events": { "conjunction_type": default, "e1_source": { "identifier": default, "program": default, "platform": default, "instrument_type": default, "source_type": default, "display_name": default, "ephemeris_metadata_schema": { "field_name": default, "description": default, "data_type": default, "allowed_values": default, "additional_description": default }, "data_product_metadata_schema": { "field_name": default, "description": default, "data_type": default, "allowed_values": default, "additional_description": default }, "owner": default, "maintainers": default, "metadata": default }, "e2_source": { "identifier": default, "program": default, "platform": default, "instrument_type": default, "source_type": default, "display_name": default, "ephemeris_metadata_schema": { "field_name": default, "description": default, "data_type": default, "allowed_values": default, "additional_description": default }, "data_product_metadata_schema": { "field_name": default, "description": default, "data_type": default, "allowed_values": default, "additional_description": default }, "owner": default, "maintainers": default, "metadata": default }, "start": default, "end": default, "min_distance": default, "max_distance": default, "generated_e1_ephemeris_query": { "request_id": default, "data_sources": { "programs": default, "platforms": default, "instrument_types": default, "ephemeris_metadata_filters": { "logicalOperator": default, "expressions": { "key": default, "operator": default, "values": default } } }, "start": default, "end": default }, "generated_e2_ephemeris_query": { "request_id": default, "data_sources": { "programs": default, "platforms": default, "instrument_types": default, "ephemeris_metadata_filters": { "logicalOperator": default, "expressions": { "key": default, "operator": default, "values": default } } }, "start": default, "end": default } } }
Generate a template dictionary that can be used as the response_format parameter in a conjunction search.
- The default value to set for every parameter that can be returned, defaults to True.
A template dictionary for the response format
def describe(self,
search_obj: ConjunctionSearch | None = None,
query_dict: Dict | None = None) ‑> str-
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def describe(self, search_obj: Optional[ConjunctionSearch] = None, query_dict: Optional[Dict] = None) -> str: """ Describe a conjunction search as an "SQL-like" string. Either a ConjunctionSearch object can be supplied, or a dictionary of the raw JSON query. Args: search_obj (ConjunctionSearch): The conjunction search to describe, optional query_dict (Dict): The conjunction search query represented as a raw dictionary, optional Returns: The "SQL-like" string describing the conjunction search object Raises: pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXError: Invalid arguments """ return func_describe(self.__aurorax_obj, search_obj, query_dict)
Describe a conjunction search as an "SQL-like" string. Either a ConjunctionSearch object can be supplied, or a dictionary of the raw JSON query.
- The conjunction search to describe, optional
- The conjunction search query represented as a raw dictionary, optional
The "SQL-like" string describing the conjunction search object
- Invalid arguments
def get_request_url(self, request_id: str) ‑> str
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def get_request_url(self, request_id: str) -> str: """ Get the conjunction search request URL for a given request ID. This URL can be used for subsequent pyaurorax.requests function calls. Primarily this method facilitates delving into details about a set of already-submitted conjunction searches. Args: request_id (str): The request identifier Returns: The request URL """ return func_get_request_url(self.__aurorax_obj, request_id)
Get the conjunction search request URL for a given request ID. This URL can be used for subsequent pyaurorax.requests function calls. Primarily this method facilitates delving into details about a set of already-submitted conjunction searches.
- The request identifier
The request URL
def search(self,
start: datetime.datetime,
end: datetime.datetime,
distance: int | float | Dict,
ground: Sequence[GroundCriteriaBlock | Dict] = [],
space: Sequence[SpaceCriteriaBlock | Dict] = [],
events: Sequence[EventsCriteriaBlock | Dict] = [],
custom_locations: Sequence[CustomLocationsCriteriaBlock | Dict] = [],
conjunction_types: Sequence[str | Literal['nbtrace', 'sbtrace', 'geographic']] = [],
response_format: Dict | None = None,
poll_interval: float = 1.0,
return_immediately: bool = False,
verbose: bool = False) ‑> ConjunctionSearch-
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def search(self, start: datetime.datetime, end: datetime.datetime, distance: Union[int, float, Dict], ground: Sequence[Union[GroundCriteriaBlock, Dict]] = [], space: Sequence[Union[SpaceCriteriaBlock, Dict]] = [], events: Sequence[Union[EventsCriteriaBlock, Dict]] = [], custom_locations: Sequence[Union[CustomLocationsCriteriaBlock, Dict]] = [], conjunction_types: Sequence[Union[str, Literal["nbtrace", "sbtrace", "geographic"]]] = [], response_format: Optional[Dict] = None, poll_interval: float = __STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME, return_immediately: bool = False, verbose: bool = False) -> ConjunctionSearch: """ Search for conjunctions By default, this function will block and wait until the request completes and all data is downloaded. If you don't want to wait, set the 'return_immediately` value to True. The Search object will be returned right after the search has been started, and you can use the helper functions as part of that object to get the data when it's done. Args: start (datetime.datetime): Start timestamp of the search (inclusive). end (datetime.datetime): End timestamp of the search (inclusive). distance (int or float or Dict): The maximum distance allowed between data sources when searching for conjunctions. This can either be a number (int or float), or a dictionary modified from the output of the "get_advanced_distances_combos()" function. ground (List[GroundCriteriaBlock or Dict]): List of ground instrument criteria blocks, defaults to []. space (List[SpaceCriteriaBlock or Dict]): List of space instrument criteria blocks, defaults to []. events (List[EventsCriteriaBlock or Dict]): List of event criteria blocks, defaults to []. custom_locations (List[CustomLocationsCriteriaBlock or Dict]): List of custom location criteria blocks, defaults to []. conjunction_types (List[str]): List of conjunction types, defaults to [] (meaning all conjunction types). Valid options are 'nbtrace', 'sbtrace', and 'geographic'. Defaults to 'nbtrace'. response_format (Dict): JSON representation of desired data response format. poll_interval (bool): Seconds to wait between polling calls, defaults to 1 second. return_immediately (bool): Initiate the search and return without waiting for data to be received, defaults to `False`. verbose (bool): Show the progress of the request using the request log, defaults to `False`. Returns: A `` object Raises: pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXSearchError: The API experienced a search error """ return func_search( self.__aurorax_obj, start, end, distance, ground, space, events, custom_locations, conjunction_types, response_format, poll_interval, return_immediately, verbose, )
Search for conjunctions
By default, this function will block and wait until the request completes and all data is downloaded. If you don't want to wait, set the 'return_immediately` value to True. The Search object will be returned right after the search has been started, and you can use the helper functions as part of that object to get the data when it's done.
- Start timestamp of the search (inclusive).
- End timestamp of the search (inclusive).
- The maximum distance allowed between data sources when searching for conjunctions. This can either be a number (int or float), or a dictionary modified from the output of the "get_advanced_distances_combos()" function.
- List of ground instrument criteria blocks, defaults to [].
- List of space instrument criteria blocks, defaults to [].
- List of event criteria blocks, defaults to [].
- List of custom location criteria blocks, defaults to [].
- List of conjunction types, defaults to [] (meaning all conjunction types). Valid options are 'nbtrace', 'sbtrace', and 'geographic'. Defaults to 'nbtrace'.
- JSON representation of desired data response format.
- Seconds to wait between polling calls, defaults to 1 second.
- Initiate the search and return without waiting for data to be received, defaults
. verbose
- Show the progress of the request using the request log, defaults to
- The API experienced a search error
def search_from_raw_query(self,
query: Dict | str,
poll_interval: float = 1.0,
return_immediately: bool = False,
verbose: bool = False) ‑> ConjunctionSearch-
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def search_from_raw_query(self, query: Union[Dict, str], poll_interval: float = __STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME, return_immediately: bool = False, verbose: bool = False) -> ConjunctionSearch: """ Search for conjunctions, using a query dictionary as the input. This is especially useful if you're working in the AuroraX Conjunction Search webpage to create a search and you'd like to port it over to this Python library with ease. Args: query (Dict or str): A query in dictionary or string format. If it's in string format, it should valid JSON. In the conjunction search web page (, click on the 'More' button under the 'Tools' section on the right of the page. Then click on 'About query' to bring up a modal. Copy the query in JSON format using the clipboard icon, and use this JSON string as input to the function. Many JSON strings can be pasted as a dictionary object without any adjustments, however, there are a few edge cases. For example, if the max_distances field has 'null' values in it, then it is not valid Python. In this case, enclose the JSON in a multi-line string (using the triple-quotes), and pass the query as a string to the function. poll_interval (bool): Seconds to wait between polling calls, defaults to 1 second. return_immediately (bool): Initiate the search and return without waiting for data to be received, defaults to `False`. verbose (bool): Show the progress of the request using the request log, defaults to `False`. Returns: A `ConjunctionSearch` object. Raises: pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXSearchError: An error was encountered during the search process """ return func_search_from_raw_query(self.__aurorax_obj, query, poll_interval, return_immediately, verbose)
Search for conjunctions, using a query dictionary as the input.
This is especially useful if you're working in the AuroraX Conjunction Search webpage to create a search and you'd like to port it over to this Python library with ease.
A query in dictionary or string format. If it's in string format, it should valid JSON.
In the conjunction search web page (, click on the 'More' button under the 'Tools' section on the right of the page. Then click on 'About query' to bring up a modal. Copy the query in JSON format using the clipboard icon, and use this JSON string as input to the function.
Many JSON strings can be pasted as a dictionary object without any adjustments, however, there are a few edge cases. For example, if the max_distances field has 'null' values in it, then it is not valid Python. In this case, enclose the JSON in a multi-line string (using the triple-quotes), and pass the query as a string to the function.
- Seconds to wait between polling calls, defaults to 1 second.
- Initiate the search and return without waiting for data to be received, defaults
. verbose
- Show the progress of the request using the request log, defaults to
- An error was encountered during the search process