
Interact with the AuroraX search engine. This includes finding data sources, searching for conjunctions or ephemeris data, and uploading/managing your own data in the AuroraX platform.


Interface for AuroraX API requests. Primarily an under-the-hood module not needed for most use-cases.

Retrieve availability information about data in the AuroraX search engine.

Use the AuroraX search engine to find conjunctions between groupings of data sources …

Use the AuroraX search engine to search and upload data product records …

Use the AuroraX search engine to search and upload ephemeris records …

AuroraX Location class definition

Interacting with the data source metadata schemas …

Helper methods for retrieving data from an AuroraX search engine API request …

Manage AuroraX data sources utilized by the search engine.

Utility methods. For example, converting arbitrary geographic locations to North/South B-trace geographic locations.


class AvailabilityResult (data_source: DataSource,
available_data_products: Dict | None = None,
available_ephemeris: Dict | None = None)
Expand source code
class AvailabilityResult:
    Class definition for data availability information

        data_source ( 
            the data source that the records are associated with
        available_ephemeris (Dict): 
            the ephemeris availability information
        available_data_products (Dict): 
            the data product availability information
    data_source: DataSource
    available_data_products: Optional[Dict] = None
    available_ephemeris: Optional[Dict] = None

Class definition for data availability information


data_source : DataSource
the data source that the records are associated with
available_ephemeris : Dict
the ephemeris availability information
available_data_products : Dict
the data product availability information

Class variables

var available_data_products : Dict | None
var available_ephemeris : Dict | None
var data_sourceDataSource
class Conjunction (conjunction_type: str,
start: datetime.datetime,
end: datetime.datetime,
data_sources: List[DataSource],
min_distance: float,
max_distance: float,
events: List[Dict],
closest_epoch: datetime.datetime,
farthest_epoch: datetime.datetime)
Expand source code
class Conjunction:
    Conjunction object

        conjunction_type: the type of location data used when the
            conjunction was found (either 'nbtrace', 'sbtrace', or 'geographic')
        start: start timestamp of the conjunction
        end: end timestamp of the conjunction
        data_sources: data sources in the conjunction
        min_distance: minimum kilometer distance of the conjunction
        max_distance: maximum kilometer distance of the conjunction
        events: the sub-conjunctions that make up this over-arching
            conjunction (the conjunctions between each set of two data
        closest_epoch: timestamp for when data sources were closest
        farthest_epoch: timestamp for when data sources were farthest

    def __init__(
        conjunction_type: str,
        start: datetime.datetime,
        end: datetime.datetime,
        data_sources: List[DataSource],
        min_distance: float,
        max_distance: float,
        events: List[Dict],
        closest_epoch: datetime.datetime,
        farthest_epoch: datetime.datetime,
        self.conjunction_type = conjunction_type
        self.start = start
        self.end = end
        self.data_sources = data_sources
        self.min_distance = min_distance
        self.max_distance = max_distance = events
        self.closest_epoch = closest_epoch
        self.farthest_epoch = farthest_epoch

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"Conjunction(start={repr(self.start)}, end={repr(self.end)}, min_distance={self.min_distance:.2f}, " \
            f"max_distance={self.max_distance:.2f}, data_sources=[...], events=[...])"

Conjunction object


the type of location data used when the conjunction was found (either 'nbtrace', 'sbtrace', or 'geographic')
start timestamp of the conjunction
end timestamp of the conjunction
data sources in the conjunction
minimum kilometer distance of the conjunction
maximum kilometer distance of the conjunction
the sub-conjunctions that make up this over-arching conjunction (the conjunctions between each set of two data sources)
timestamp for when data sources were closest
timestamp for when data sources were farthest
class ConjunctionSearch (aurorax_obj: PyAuroraX,
start: datetime.datetime,
end: datetime.datetime,
distance: Union[int, float, Dict],
ground: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
space: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
events: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
conjunction_types: Optional[List[str]] = None,
epoch_search_precision: Optional[int] = None,
response_format: Optional[Dict] = None)
Expand source code
class ConjunctionSearch:
    Class representing a conjunction search

        start: start timestamp of the search (inclusive)
        end: end timestamp of the search (inclusive)
        distance: the maximum distance allowed between data sources when searching for
            conjunctions. This can either be a number (int or float), or a dictionary
            modified from the output of the "get_advanced_distances_combos()" function.
        ground: list of ground instrument search parameters, defaults to []


                    "programs": ["themis-asi"],
                    "platforms": ["gillam", "rabbit lake"],
                    "instrument_types": ["RGB"],
                    "ephemeris_metadata_filters": {
                        "logical_operator": "AND",
                        "expressions": [
                                "key": "calgary_apa_ml_v1",
                                "operator": "in",
                                "values": [ "classified as APA" ]
        space: list of one or more space instrument search parameters, defaults to []


                    "programs": ["themis-asi", "swarm"],
                    "platforms": ["themisa", "swarma"],
                    "instrument_types": ["footprint"],
                    "ephemeris_metadata_filters": {
                        "logical_operator": "AND",
                        "expressions": [
                                "key": "nbtrace_region",
                                "operator": "in",
                                "values": [ "north auroral oval" ]
                    "hemisphere": [
        events: list of one or more events search parameters, defaults to []


                    "programs": [ "events" ],
                    "instrument_types": [ "substorm onsets" ]
        conjunction_types: list of conjunction types, defaults to ["nbtrace"]. Options are
            in the pyaurorax.conjunctions module, or at the top level using the
            pyaurorax.CONJUNCTION_TYPE_* variables.
        epoch_search_precision: the time precision to which conjunctions are calculated. Can be
            30 or 60 seconds. Defaults to 60 seconds. Note - this parameter is under active
            development and still considered "alpha".
        response_format: JSON representation of desired data response format
        request: AuroraXResponse object returned when the search is executed
        request_id: unique ID assigned to the request by the AuroraX API
        request_url: unique URL assigned to the request by the AuroraX API
        executed: indicates if the search has been executed/started
        completed: indicates if the search has finished
        data_url: the URL where data is accessed
        query: the query for this request as JSON
        status: the status of the query
        data: the conjunctions found
        logs: all log messages outputted by the AuroraX API for this request


    def __init__(self,
                 aurorax_obj: PyAuroraX,
                 start: datetime.datetime,
                 end: datetime.datetime,
                 distance: Union[int, float, Dict],
                 ground: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
                 space: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
                 events: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
                 conjunction_types: Optional[List[str]] = None,
                 epoch_search_precision: Optional[int] = None,
                 response_format: Optional[Dict] = None):

        # set variables using passed in args
        self.aurorax_obj = aurorax_obj
        self.start = start
        self.end = end
        self.ground = [] if ground is None else ground = [] if space is None else space = [] if events is None else events
        self.distance = distance
        self.conjunction_types = [CONJUNCTION_TYPE_NBTRACE] if conjunction_types is None else conjunction_types
        self.epoch_search_precision = 60 if epoch_search_precision is None else epoch_search_precision
        self.response_format = response_format

        # initialize additional variables
        self.request = None
        self.request_id = ""
        self.request_url = ""
        self.executed = False
        self.completed = False
        self.data_url = ""
        self.query = {}
        self.status = {} = []
        self.logs = []

    def __str__(self):
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self):
        return "ConjunctionSearch(executed=%s, completed=%s, request_id='%s')" % (

    def pretty_print(self):
        A special print output for this class.
        # set status and query strings
        max_len = 80
        status_str = str(self.status)
        query_str = str(self.query)
        if (len(status_str) > max_len):
            status_str = "%s..." % (status_str[0:max_len])
        if (len(query_str) > max_len):
            query_str = "%s..." % (query_str[0:max_len])

        # set results string
        if (self.executed is True):
            if (len( == 0):
                data_str = "[0 conjunction results]"
            elif (len( == 1):
                data_str = "[1 conjunction result]"
                data_str = "[%d conjunction results]" % (len(
            data_str = ""

        # set logs string
        if (self.executed is True):
            if (len(self.logs) == 0):
                logs_str = "[0 log messages]"
            elif (len(self.logs) == 1):
                logs_str = "[1 log message]"
                logs_str = "[%d log messages]" % (len(self.logs))
            logs_str = ""

        # print
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("executed", self.executed))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("completed", self.completed))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("request_id", self.request_id))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("request", self.request))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("request_url", self.request_url))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("data_url", self.data_url))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("query", query_str))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("status", status_str))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("data", data_str))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("logs", logs_str))

    def __fill_in_missing_distances(self, curr_distances: Dict) -> Dict:
        # get all distances possible
        all_distances = self.get_advanced_distances_combos()

        # go through current distances and fill in the values
        for curr_key, curr_value in curr_distances.items():
            curr_key_split = curr_key.split('-')
            curr_key1 = curr_key_split[0].strip()
            curr_key2 = curr_key_split[1].strip()
            for all_key in all_distances.keys():
                if (curr_key1 in all_key and curr_key2 in all_key):
                    # found the matching key, replace the value
                    all_distances[all_key] = curr_value

        # return
        return all_distances

    def check_criteria_block_count_validity(self) -> None:
        Check the number of of criteria blocks to see if there
        is too many. A max of 10 is allowed by the AuroraX
        conjunction search engine. An exception is raised if
        it was determined to have too many.

            pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXError: too many criteria blocks are found
        count_ground = 0
        count_space = 0
        count_events = 0
        if (self.ground is not None):
            count_ground = len(self.ground)
        if ( is not None):
            count_space = len(
        if ( is not None):
            count_events = len(
        if ((count_ground + count_space + count_events) > 10):
            raise AuroraXError("Number of criteria blocks exceeds 10, please reduce the count")

    def get_advanced_distances_combos(self, default_distance: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None) -> Dict:
        Get the advanced distances combinations for this search

            default_distance: the default distance to use, defaults to None

            the advanced distances combinations
        # set input arrays
        options = []
        if (self.ground is not None):
            for i in range(0, len(self.ground)):
                options.append("ground%d" % (i + 1))
        if ( is not None):
            for i in range(0, len(
                options.append("space%d" % (i + 1))
        if ( is not None):
            for i in range(0, len(
                options.append("events%d" % (i + 1))

        # derive all combinations of options of size 2
        combinations = {}
        for element in itertools.combinations(options, r=2):
            combinations["%s-%s" % (element[0], element[1])] = default_distance

        # return
        return combinations

    def distance(self) -> Union[int, float, Dict[str, Union[int, float]]]:
        Property for the distance parameter

            the distance dictionary with all combinations
        return self.__distance

    def distance(self, distance: Union[int, float, Dict[str, Union[int, float]]]) -> None:
        # set distances to a dict if it's an int or float
        if (isinstance(distance, int) or isinstance(distance, float)):
            self.__distance = self.get_advanced_distances_combos(default_distance=distance)  # type: ignore
            # is a dict, fill in any gaps
            self.__distance = self.__fill_in_missing_distances(distance)  # type: ignore

    def query(self) -> Dict:
        Property for the query value

            the query parameter
        self._query = {
            "start": self.start.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"),
            "end": self.end.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"),
            "ground": self.ground,
            "conjunction_types": self.conjunction_types,
            "max_distances": self.distance,
            "epoch_search_precision": self.epoch_search_precision if self.epoch_search_precision in [30, 60] else 60,
        return self._query

    def query(self, query: Dict) -> None:
        self._query = query

    def execute(self) -> None:
        Initiate a conjunction search request

            pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXAPIError: An API error was encountered
        # check number of criteria blocks

        # do request
        url = "%s/%s" % (self.aurorax_obj.api_base_url,
        req = AuroraXAPIRequest(self.aurorax_obj, method="post", url=url, body=self.query, null_response=True)
        res = req.execute()

        # set request ID, request_url, executed
        self.executed = True
        if res.status_code == 202:
            # request successfully dispatched
            self.executed = True
            self.request_url = res.request.headers["location"]
            self.request_id = self.request_url.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]

        # set request variable
        self.request = res

    def update_status(self, status: Optional[Dict] = None) -> None:
        Update the status of this conjunction search request

            status: the previously-retrieved status of this request (include
                to avoid requesting it from the API again), defaults to None

            pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXAPIError: An API error was encountered
        # get the status if it isn't passed in
        if (status is None):
            status = requests_get_status(self.aurorax_obj, self.request_url)

        # check response
        if (status is None):
            raise AuroraXAPIError("Could not retrieve status for this request")

        # update request status by checking if data URI is set
        if (status["search_result"]["data_uri"] is not None):
            self.completed = True
            self.data_url = "%s/data" % (self.request_url)

        # set class variable "status" and "logs"
        self.status = status
        self.logs = status["logs"]

    def check_for_data(self) -> bool:
        Check to see if data is available for this conjunction
        search request

            True if data is available, else False

            pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXAPIError: An API error was encountered
        return self.completed

    def get_data(self) -> None:
        Retrieve the data available for this conjunction search request

            pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXAPIError: An API error was encountered
        # check if completed yet
        if (self.completed is False):
            print("No data available, update status or check for data first")

        # get data
        raw_data = requests_get_data(self.aurorax_obj, self.data_url, self.response_format, False)

        # set data variable
        if (self.response_format is not None):
   = raw_data
            # cast data source objects
            for i in range(0, len(raw_data)):
                for j in range(0, len(raw_data[i]["data_sources"])):
                    ds = DataSource(**raw_data[i]["data_sources"][j], format=FORMAT_BASIC_INFO)
                    raw_data[i]["data_sources"][j] = ds

            # cast conjunctions
   = [Conjunction(**c) for c in raw_data]

    def wait(self, poll_interval: float = __STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME, verbose: bool = False) -> None:
        Block and wait until the request is complete and data is
        available for retrieval

            poll_interval: time in seconds to wait between polling attempts, defaults
                to pyaurorax.requests.STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME
            verbose: output poll times and other progress messages, defaults to False

            pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXAPIError: An API error was encountered
        url = "%s/%s" % (self.aurorax_obj.api_base_url,
        self.update_status(requests_wait_for_data(self.aurorax_obj, url, poll_interval, verbose))

    def cancel(self, wait: bool = False, poll_interval: float = __STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME, verbose: bool = False) -> int:
        Cancel the conjunction search request

        This method returns immediately by default since the API processes
        this request asynchronously. If you would prefer to wait for it
        to be completed, set the 'wait' parameter to True. You can adjust
        the polling time using the 'poll_interval' parameter.

            wait: wait until the cancellation request has been
                completed (may wait for several minutes)
            poll_interval: seconds to wait between polling
                calls, defaults to STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME.
            verbose: output poll times and other progress messages, defaults
                to False

            1 on success

            pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXAPIError: An API error was encountered
        url = "%s/%s" % (self.aurorax_obj.api_base_url,
        return requests_cancel(self.aurorax_obj, url, wait, poll_interval, verbose)

Class representing a conjunction search


start timestamp of the search (inclusive)
end timestamp of the search (inclusive)
the maximum distance allowed between data sources when searching for conjunctions. This can either be a number (int or float), or a dictionary modified from the output of the "get_advanced_distances_combos()" function.

list of ground instrument search parameters, defaults to []


    "programs": ["themis-asi"],
    "platforms": ["gillam", "rabbit lake"],
    "instrument_types": ["RGB"],
    "ephemeris_metadata_filters": {
        "logical_operator": "AND",
        "expressions": [
                "key": "calgary_apa_ml_v1",
                "operator": "in",
                "values": [ "classified as APA" ]

list of one or more space instrument search parameters, defaults to []


    "programs": ["themis-asi", "swarm"],
    "platforms": ["themisa", "swarma"],
    "instrument_types": ["footprint"],
    "ephemeris_metadata_filters": {
        "logical_operator": "AND",
        "expressions": [
                "key": "nbtrace_region",
                "operator": "in",
                "values": [ "north auroral oval" ]
    "hemisphere": [

list of one or more events search parameters, defaults to []


    "programs": [ "events" ],
    "instrument_types": [ "substorm onsets" ]
list of conjunction types, defaults to ["nbtrace"]. Options are in the pyaurorax.conjunctions module, or at the top level using the pyaurorax.CONJUNCTION_TYPE_* variables.
the time precision to which conjunctions are calculated. Can be 30 or 60 seconds. Defaults to 60 seconds. Note - this parameter is under active development and still considered "alpha".
JSON representation of desired data response format
AuroraXResponse object returned when the search is executed
unique ID assigned to the request by the AuroraX API
unique URL assigned to the request by the AuroraX API
indicates if the search has been executed/started
indicates if the search has finished
the URL where data is accessed
the query for this request as JSON
the status of the query
the conjunctions found
all log messages outputted by the AuroraX API for this request

Instance variables

prop distance : Union[int, float, Dict[str, Union[int, float]]]
Expand source code
def distance(self) -> Union[int, float, Dict[str, Union[int, float]]]:
    Property for the distance parameter

        the distance dictionary with all combinations
    return self.__distance

Property for the distance parameter


the distance dictionary with all combinations

prop query : Dict
Expand source code
def query(self) -> Dict:
    Property for the query value

        the query parameter
    self._query = {
        "start": self.start.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"),
        "end": self.end.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"),
        "ground": self.ground,
        "conjunction_types": self.conjunction_types,
        "max_distances": self.distance,
        "epoch_search_precision": self.epoch_search_precision if self.epoch_search_precision in [30, 60] else 60,
    return self._query

Property for the query value


the query parameter


def cancel(self, wait: bool = False, poll_interval: float = 1.0, verbose: bool = False) ‑> int
Expand source code
def cancel(self, wait: bool = False, poll_interval: float = __STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME, verbose: bool = False) -> int:
    Cancel the conjunction search request

    This method returns immediately by default since the API processes
    this request asynchronously. If you would prefer to wait for it
    to be completed, set the 'wait' parameter to True. You can adjust
    the polling time using the 'poll_interval' parameter.

        wait: wait until the cancellation request has been
            completed (may wait for several minutes)
        poll_interval: seconds to wait between polling
            calls, defaults to STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME.
        verbose: output poll times and other progress messages, defaults
            to False

        1 on success

        pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXAPIError: An API error was encountered
    url = "%s/%s" % (self.aurorax_obj.api_base_url,
    return requests_cancel(self.aurorax_obj, url, wait, poll_interval, verbose)

Cancel the conjunction search request

This method returns immediately by default since the API processes this request asynchronously. If you would prefer to wait for it to be completed, set the 'wait' parameter to True. You can adjust the polling time using the 'poll_interval' parameter.


wait until the cancellation request has been completed (may wait for several minutes)
seconds to wait between polling calls, defaults to STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME.
output poll times and other progress messages, defaults to False


1 on success


An API error was encountered
def check_criteria_block_count_validity(self) ‑> None
Expand source code
def check_criteria_block_count_validity(self) -> None:
    Check the number of of criteria blocks to see if there
    is too many. A max of 10 is allowed by the AuroraX
    conjunction search engine. An exception is raised if
    it was determined to have too many.

        pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXError: too many criteria blocks are found
    count_ground = 0
    count_space = 0
    count_events = 0
    if (self.ground is not None):
        count_ground = len(self.ground)
    if ( is not None):
        count_space = len(
    if ( is not None):
        count_events = len(
    if ((count_ground + count_space + count_events) > 10):
        raise AuroraXError("Number of criteria blocks exceeds 10, please reduce the count")

Check the number of of criteria blocks to see if there is too many. A max of 10 is allowed by the AuroraX conjunction search engine. An exception is raised if it was determined to have too many.


too many criteria blocks are found
def check_for_data(self) ‑> bool
Expand source code
def check_for_data(self) -> bool:
    Check to see if data is available for this conjunction
    search request

        True if data is available, else False

        pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXAPIError: An API error was encountered
    return self.completed

Check to see if data is available for this conjunction search request


True if data is available, else False


An API error was encountered
def execute(self) ‑> None
Expand source code
def execute(self) -> None:
    Initiate a conjunction search request

        pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXAPIError: An API error was encountered
    # check number of criteria blocks

    # do request
    url = "%s/%s" % (self.aurorax_obj.api_base_url,
    req = AuroraXAPIRequest(self.aurorax_obj, method="post", url=url, body=self.query, null_response=True)
    res = req.execute()

    # set request ID, request_url, executed
    self.executed = True
    if res.status_code == 202:
        # request successfully dispatched
        self.executed = True
        self.request_url = res.request.headers["location"]
        self.request_id = self.request_url.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]

    # set request variable
    self.request = res

Initiate a conjunction search request


An API error was encountered
def get_advanced_distances_combos(self, default_distance: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None) ‑> Dict
Expand source code
def get_advanced_distances_combos(self, default_distance: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None) -> Dict:
    Get the advanced distances combinations for this search

        default_distance: the default distance to use, defaults to None

        the advanced distances combinations
    # set input arrays
    options = []
    if (self.ground is not None):
        for i in range(0, len(self.ground)):
            options.append("ground%d" % (i + 1))
    if ( is not None):
        for i in range(0, len(
            options.append("space%d" % (i + 1))
    if ( is not None):
        for i in range(0, len(
            options.append("events%d" % (i + 1))

    # derive all combinations of options of size 2
    combinations = {}
    for element in itertools.combinations(options, r=2):
        combinations["%s-%s" % (element[0], element[1])] = default_distance

    # return
    return combinations

Get the advanced distances combinations for this search


the default distance to use, defaults to None


the advanced distances combinations

def get_data(self) ‑> None
Expand source code
def get_data(self) -> None:
    Retrieve the data available for this conjunction search request

        pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXAPIError: An API error was encountered
    # check if completed yet
    if (self.completed is False):
        print("No data available, update status or check for data first")

    # get data
    raw_data = requests_get_data(self.aurorax_obj, self.data_url, self.response_format, False)

    # set data variable
    if (self.response_format is not None): = raw_data
        # cast data source objects
        for i in range(0, len(raw_data)):
            for j in range(0, len(raw_data[i]["data_sources"])):
                ds = DataSource(**raw_data[i]["data_sources"][j], format=FORMAT_BASIC_INFO)
                raw_data[i]["data_sources"][j] = ds

        # cast conjunctions = [Conjunction(**c) for c in raw_data]

Retrieve the data available for this conjunction search request


An API error was encountered
def pretty_print(self)
Expand source code
def pretty_print(self):
    A special print output for this class.
    # set status and query strings
    max_len = 80
    status_str = str(self.status)
    query_str = str(self.query)
    if (len(status_str) > max_len):
        status_str = "%s..." % (status_str[0:max_len])
    if (len(query_str) > max_len):
        query_str = "%s..." % (query_str[0:max_len])

    # set results string
    if (self.executed is True):
        if (len( == 0):
            data_str = "[0 conjunction results]"
        elif (len( == 1):
            data_str = "[1 conjunction result]"
            data_str = "[%d conjunction results]" % (len(
        data_str = ""

    # set logs string
    if (self.executed is True):
        if (len(self.logs) == 0):
            logs_str = "[0 log messages]"
        elif (len(self.logs) == 1):
            logs_str = "[1 log message]"
            logs_str = "[%d log messages]" % (len(self.logs))
        logs_str = ""

    # print
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("executed", self.executed))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("completed", self.completed))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("request_id", self.request_id))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("request", self.request))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("request_url", self.request_url))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("data_url", self.data_url))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("query", query_str))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("status", status_str))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("data", data_str))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("logs", logs_str))

A special print output for this class.

def update_status(self, status: Optional[Dict] = None) ‑> None
Expand source code
def update_status(self, status: Optional[Dict] = None) -> None:
    Update the status of this conjunction search request

        status: the previously-retrieved status of this request (include
            to avoid requesting it from the API again), defaults to None

        pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXAPIError: An API error was encountered
    # get the status if it isn't passed in
    if (status is None):
        status = requests_get_status(self.aurorax_obj, self.request_url)

    # check response
    if (status is None):
        raise AuroraXAPIError("Could not retrieve status for this request")

    # update request status by checking if data URI is set
    if (status["search_result"]["data_uri"] is not None):
        self.completed = True
        self.data_url = "%s/data" % (self.request_url)

    # set class variable "status" and "logs"
    self.status = status
    self.logs = status["logs"]

Update the status of this conjunction search request


the previously-retrieved status of this request (include to avoid requesting it from the API again), defaults to None


An API error was encountered
def wait(self, poll_interval: float = 1.0, verbose: bool = False) ‑> None
Expand source code
def wait(self, poll_interval: float = __STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME, verbose: bool = False) -> None:
    Block and wait until the request is complete and data is
    available for retrieval

        poll_interval: time in seconds to wait between polling attempts, defaults
            to pyaurorax.requests.STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME
        verbose: output poll times and other progress messages, defaults to False

        pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXAPIError: An API error was encountered
    url = "%s/%s" % (self.aurorax_obj.api_base_url,
    self.update_status(requests_wait_for_data(self.aurorax_obj, url, poll_interval, verbose))

Block and wait until the request is complete and data is available for retrieval


time in seconds to wait between polling attempts, defaults to pyaurorax.requests.STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME
output poll times and other progress messages, defaults to False


An API error was encountered
class DataProductData (data_source: DataSource,
data_product_type: str,
start: datetime.datetime,
end: datetime.datetime,
url: str,
metadata: Dict | None = None)
Expand source code
class DataProductData:
    Data product object

        data_source: data source that the ephemeris record is associated with
        data_product_type: data product type ("keogram", "movie", "summary_plot")
        start: starting timestamp for the record (assumed it is in UTC), inclusive
        end: ending timestamp for the record (assumed it is in UTC), inclusive
        url: the URL of data product
        metadata: metadata for this record (arbitrary keys and values)

    def __init__(
        data_source: DataSource,
        data_product_type: str,
        start: datetime.datetime,
        end: datetime.datetime,
        url: str,
        metadata: Optional[Dict] = None,
        self.data_source = data_source
        self.data_product_type = data_product_type
        self.start = start
        self.end = end
        self.url = url
        self.metadata = metadata

    def to_json_serializable(self) -> Dict:
        Convert object to a JSON-serializable object (ie. translate
        datetime objects to strings)

            a dictionary object that is JSON-serializable
        # init
        d = self.__dict__

        # format epoch as str
        if (type(d["start"]) is datetime.datetime):
            d["start"] = d["start"].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00.000")
        if (type(d["end"]) is datetime.datetime):
            d["end"] = d["end"].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00.000")

        # format metadata
        if (self.metadata is not None):
            for key, value in self.metadata.items():
                if (isinstance(value, datetime.datetime) is True or isinstance(value, is True):
                    self.metadata[key] = self.metadata[key].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
        # if (isinstance(self.metadata, list) is True):
        #     self.metadata = {}

        # format data source fields for query
        d["program"] = self.data_source.program
        d["platform"] = self.data_source.platform
        d["instrument_type"] = self.data_source.instrument_type
        del d["data_source"]

        # return
        return d

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        # shorten the metadata and url
        max_len = 20
        attr_metadata = f"{self.metadata}"
        if (len(attr_metadata) > max_len):
            attr_metadata = attr_metadata[0:max_len] + "...}"
        attr_url = f"{self.url}"
        if (len(attr_url) > max_len):
            attr_url = attr_url[0:max_len] + "..."

        # return formatted representation
        return f"DataProductData(start={repr(self.start)}, end={repr(self.end)}, data_product_type='{self.data_product_type}', " \
            f"url='{attr_url}', metadata={attr_metadata}, data_source=DataSource(...))"

Data product object


data source that the ephemeris record is associated with
data product type ("keogram", "movie", "summary_plot")
starting timestamp for the record (assumed it is in UTC), inclusive
ending timestamp for the record (assumed it is in UTC), inclusive
the URL of data product
metadata for this record (arbitrary keys and values)


def to_json_serializable(self) ‑> Dict
Expand source code
def to_json_serializable(self) -> Dict:
    Convert object to a JSON-serializable object (ie. translate
    datetime objects to strings)

        a dictionary object that is JSON-serializable
    # init
    d = self.__dict__

    # format epoch as str
    if (type(d["start"]) is datetime.datetime):
        d["start"] = d["start"].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00.000")
    if (type(d["end"]) is datetime.datetime):
        d["end"] = d["end"].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00.000")

    # format metadata
    if (self.metadata is not None):
        for key, value in self.metadata.items():
            if (isinstance(value, datetime.datetime) is True or isinstance(value, is True):
                self.metadata[key] = self.metadata[key].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
    # if (isinstance(self.metadata, list) is True):
    #     self.metadata = {}

    # format data source fields for query
    d["program"] = self.data_source.program
    d["platform"] = self.data_source.platform
    d["instrument_type"] = self.data_source.instrument_type
    del d["data_source"]

    # return
    return d

Convert object to a JSON-serializable object (ie. translate datetime objects to strings)


a dictionary object that is JSON-serializable

class DataProductSearch (aurorax_obj: PyAuroraX,
start: datetime.datetime,
end: datetime.datetime,
programs: Optional[List[str]] = None,
platforms: Optional[List[str]] = None,
instrument_types: Optional[List[str]] = None,
data_product_types: Optional[List[str]] = None,
metadata_filters: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
metadata_filters_logical_operator: Optional[str] = None,
response_format: Optional[Dict] = None)
Expand source code
class DataProductSearch:
    Class representing a data product search

        start: start timestamp of the search (inclusive)
        end: end timestamp of the search (inclusive)
        programs: list of program names to search
        platforms: list of platform names to search
        instrument_types: list of instrument types to search
        data_product_types: list of dictionaries describing data product
            types to filter on e.g. "keogram", defaults to None. Options are in the
            pyaurorax.data_products module, or at the top level using the
            pyaurorax.DATA_PRODUCT_TYPE* variables.
        metadata_filters: list of dictionaries describing metadata keys and
            values to filter on, defaults to None


                    "key": "nbtrace_region",
                    "operator": "in",
                    "values": ["north polar cap"]
        metadata_filters_logical_operator: the logical operator to use when
            evaluating metadata filters (either 'AND' or 'OR'), defaults
            to "AND"
        response_format: JSON representation of desired data response format
        request: AuroraXResponse object returned when the search is executed
        request_id: unique ID assigned to the request by the AuroraX API
        request_url: unique URL assigned to the request by the AuroraX API
        executed: indicates if the search has been executed/started
        completed: indicates if the search has finished
        data_url: the URL where data is accessed
        query: the query for this request as JSON
        status: the status of the query
        data: the data product records found
        logs: all log messages outputted by the AuroraX API for this request


    def __init__(self,
                 aurorax_obj: PyAuroraX,
                 start: datetime.datetime,
                 end: datetime.datetime,
                 programs: Optional[List[str]] = None,
                 platforms: Optional[List[str]] = None,
                 instrument_types: Optional[List[str]] = None,
                 data_product_types: Optional[List[str]] = None,
                 metadata_filters: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
                 metadata_filters_logical_operator: Optional[str] = None,
                 response_format: Optional[Dict] = None) -> None:

        # set variables using passed in args
        self.aurorax_obj = aurorax_obj
        self.start = start
        self.end = end
        self.programs = programs
        self.platforms = platforms
        self.instrument_types = instrument_types
        self.data_product_types = data_product_types
        self.metadata_filters = metadata_filters
        self.metadata_filters_logical_operator = "AND" if metadata_filters_logical_operator is None else metadata_filters_logical_operator
        self.response_format = response_format

        # initialize additional variables
        self.request = None
        self.request_id = ""
        self.request_url = ""
        self.executed = False
        self.completed = False
        self.data_url = ""
        self.query = {}
        self.status = {} = []
        self.logs = []

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "DataProductSearch(executed=%s, completed=%s, request_id='%s')" % (

    def pretty_print(self):
        A special print output for this class.
        # set status and query strings
        max_len = 80
        status_str = str(self.status)
        query_str = str(self.query)
        if (len(status_str) > max_len):
            status_str = "%s..." % (status_str[0:max_len])
        if (len(query_str) > max_len):
            query_str = "%s..." % (query_str[0:max_len])

        # set results string
        if (self.executed is True):
            if (len( == 0):
                data_str = "[0 data product results]"
            elif (len( == 1):
                data_str = "[1 data product result]"
                data_str = "[%d data product results]" % (len(
            data_str = ""

        # set logs string
        if (self.executed is True):
            if (len(self.logs) == 0):
                logs_str = "[0 log messages]"
            elif (len(self.logs) == 1):
                logs_str = "[1 log message]"
                logs_str = "[%d log messages]" % (len(self.logs))
            logs_str = ""

        # print
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("executed", self.executed))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("completed", self.completed))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("request_id", self.request_id))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("request", self.request))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("request_url", self.request_url))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("data_url", self.data_url))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("query", query_str))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("status", status_str))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("data", data_str))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("logs", logs_str))

    def query(self):
        Property for the query value
        self._query = {
            "data_sources": {
                "programs": [] if not self.programs else self.programs,
                "platforms": [] if not self.platforms else self.platforms,
                "instrument_types": [] if not self.instrument_types else self.instrument_types,
                "data_product_metadata_filters": {} if not self.metadata_filters else {
                    "logical_operator": self.metadata_filters_logical_operator,
                    "expressions": self.metadata_filters
            "start": self.start.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"),
            "end": self.end.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"),
            "data_product_type_filters": [] if not self.data_product_types else self.data_product_types,
        return self._query

    def query(self, query):
        self._query = query

    def execute(self) -> None:
        Initiate a data product search request
        # do request
        url = "%s/%s" % (self.aurorax_obj.api_base_url,
        req = AuroraXAPIRequest(self.aurorax_obj, method="post", url=url, body=self.query, null_response=True)
        res = req.execute()

        # set request ID, request_url, executed
        self.executed = True
        if (res.status_code == 202):
            # request successfully dispatched
            self.executed = True
            self.request_url = res.request.headers["location"]
            self.request_id = self.request_url.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]

        # set request variable
        self.request = res

    def update_status(self, status: Optional[Dict] = None) -> None:
        Update the status of this data product search request

            status: the previously-retrieved status of this request (include
                to avoid requesting it from the API again), defaults to None
        # get the status if it isn't passed in
        if (status is None):
            status = requests_get_status(self.aurorax_obj, self.request_url)

        # check response
        if (status is None):
            raise AuroraXAPIError("Could not retrieve status for this request")

        # update request status by checking if data URI is set
        if (status["search_result"]["data_uri"] is not None):
            self.completed = True
            self.data_url = "%s/data" % (self.request_url)

        # set class variable "status" and "logs"
        self.status = status
        self.logs = status["logs"]

    def check_for_data(self) -> bool:
        Check to see if data is available for this data product
        search request

            True if data is available, else False
        return self.completed

    def get_data(self) -> None:
        Retrieve the data available for this data product search request
        # check if completed yet
        if (self.completed is False):
            print("No data available, update status or check for data first")

        # get data
        raw_data = requests_get_data(self.aurorax_obj, self.data_url, self.response_format, False)

        # set data variable
        if (self.response_format is not None):
   = raw_data
            # cast data source objects
            for i in range(0, len(raw_data)):
                ds = DataSource(**raw_data[i]["data_source"], format=FORMAT_BASIC_INFO)
                raw_data[i]["data_source"] = ds

            # cast data product objects
   = [DataProductData(**dp) for dp in raw_data]

    def wait(self, poll_interval: float = __STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME, verbose: bool = False) -> None:
        Block and wait for the request to complete and data is available
        for retrieval

            poll_interval: time in seconds to wait between polling attempts,
                defaults to pyaurorax.requests.STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME
            verbose: output poll times and other progress messages, defaults
                to False
        url = "%s/%s" % (self.aurorax_obj.api_base_url,
        self.update_status(requests_wait_for_data(self.aurorax_obj, url, poll_interval, verbose))

    def cancel(self, wait: bool = False, poll_interval: float = __STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME, verbose: bool = False) -> int:
        Cancel the data product search request

        This method returns immediately by default since the API processes
        this request asynchronously. If you would prefer to wait for it
        to be completed, set the 'wait' parameter to True. You can adjust
        the polling time using the 'poll_interval' parameter.

            wait: wait until the cancellation request has been
                completed (may wait for several minutes)
            poll_interval: seconds to wait between polling
                calls, defaults to STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME.
            verbose: output poll times and other progress messages, defaults
                to False

            1 on success

            pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXAPIError: An API error was encountered
            pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXUnauthorizedError: invalid API key for this operation
        url = "%s/%s" % (self.aurorax_obj.api_base_url,
        return requests_cancel(self.aurorax_obj, url, wait, poll_interval, verbose)

Class representing a data product search


start timestamp of the search (inclusive)
end timestamp of the search (inclusive)
list of program names to search
list of platform names to search
list of instrument types to search
list of dictionaries describing data product types to filter on e.g. "keogram", defaults to None. Options are in the pyaurorax.data_products module, or at the top level using the pyaurorax.DATA_PRODUCT_TYPE* variables.

list of dictionaries describing metadata keys and values to filter on, defaults to None


    "key": "nbtrace_region",
    "operator": "in",
    "values": ["north polar cap"]
the logical operator to use when evaluating metadata filters (either 'AND' or 'OR'), defaults to "AND"
JSON representation of desired data response format
AuroraXResponse object returned when the search is executed
unique ID assigned to the request by the AuroraX API
unique URL assigned to the request by the AuroraX API
indicates if the search has been executed/started
indicates if the search has finished
the URL where data is accessed
the query for this request as JSON
the status of the query
the data product records found
all log messages outputted by the AuroraX API for this request

Instance variables

prop query
Expand source code
def query(self):
    Property for the query value
    self._query = {
        "data_sources": {
            "programs": [] if not self.programs else self.programs,
            "platforms": [] if not self.platforms else self.platforms,
            "instrument_types": [] if not self.instrument_types else self.instrument_types,
            "data_product_metadata_filters": {} if not self.metadata_filters else {
                "logical_operator": self.metadata_filters_logical_operator,
                "expressions": self.metadata_filters
        "start": self.start.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"),
        "end": self.end.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"),
        "data_product_type_filters": [] if not self.data_product_types else self.data_product_types,
    return self._query

Property for the query value


def cancel(self, wait: bool = False, poll_interval: float = 1.0, verbose: bool = False) ‑> int
Expand source code
def cancel(self, wait: bool = False, poll_interval: float = __STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME, verbose: bool = False) -> int:
    Cancel the data product search request

    This method returns immediately by default since the API processes
    this request asynchronously. If you would prefer to wait for it
    to be completed, set the 'wait' parameter to True. You can adjust
    the polling time using the 'poll_interval' parameter.

        wait: wait until the cancellation request has been
            completed (may wait for several minutes)
        poll_interval: seconds to wait between polling
            calls, defaults to STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME.
        verbose: output poll times and other progress messages, defaults
            to False

        1 on success

        pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXAPIError: An API error was encountered
        pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXUnauthorizedError: invalid API key for this operation
    url = "%s/%s" % (self.aurorax_obj.api_base_url,
    return requests_cancel(self.aurorax_obj, url, wait, poll_interval, verbose)

Cancel the data product search request

This method returns immediately by default since the API processes this request asynchronously. If you would prefer to wait for it to be completed, set the 'wait' parameter to True. You can adjust the polling time using the 'poll_interval' parameter.


wait until the cancellation request has been completed (may wait for several minutes)
seconds to wait between polling calls, defaults to STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME.
output poll times and other progress messages, defaults to False


1 on success


An API error was encountered
invalid API key for this operation
def check_for_data(self) ‑> bool
Expand source code
def check_for_data(self) -> bool:
    Check to see if data is available for this data product
    search request

        True if data is available, else False
    return self.completed

Check to see if data is available for this data product search request


True if data is available, else False

def execute(self) ‑> None
Expand source code
def execute(self) -> None:
    Initiate a data product search request
    # do request
    url = "%s/%s" % (self.aurorax_obj.api_base_url,
    req = AuroraXAPIRequest(self.aurorax_obj, method="post", url=url, body=self.query, null_response=True)
    res = req.execute()

    # set request ID, request_url, executed
    self.executed = True
    if (res.status_code == 202):
        # request successfully dispatched
        self.executed = True
        self.request_url = res.request.headers["location"]
        self.request_id = self.request_url.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]

    # set request variable
    self.request = res

Initiate a data product search request

def get_data(self) ‑> None
Expand source code
def get_data(self) -> None:
    Retrieve the data available for this data product search request
    # check if completed yet
    if (self.completed is False):
        print("No data available, update status or check for data first")

    # get data
    raw_data = requests_get_data(self.aurorax_obj, self.data_url, self.response_format, False)

    # set data variable
    if (self.response_format is not None): = raw_data
        # cast data source objects
        for i in range(0, len(raw_data)):
            ds = DataSource(**raw_data[i]["data_source"], format=FORMAT_BASIC_INFO)
            raw_data[i]["data_source"] = ds

        # cast data product objects = [DataProductData(**dp) for dp in raw_data]

Retrieve the data available for this data product search request

def pretty_print(self)
Expand source code
def pretty_print(self):
    A special print output for this class.
    # set status and query strings
    max_len = 80
    status_str = str(self.status)
    query_str = str(self.query)
    if (len(status_str) > max_len):
        status_str = "%s..." % (status_str[0:max_len])
    if (len(query_str) > max_len):
        query_str = "%s..." % (query_str[0:max_len])

    # set results string
    if (self.executed is True):
        if (len( == 0):
            data_str = "[0 data product results]"
        elif (len( == 1):
            data_str = "[1 data product result]"
            data_str = "[%d data product results]" % (len(
        data_str = ""

    # set logs string
    if (self.executed is True):
        if (len(self.logs) == 0):
            logs_str = "[0 log messages]"
        elif (len(self.logs) == 1):
            logs_str = "[1 log message]"
            logs_str = "[%d log messages]" % (len(self.logs))
        logs_str = ""

    # print
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("executed", self.executed))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("completed", self.completed))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("request_id", self.request_id))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("request", self.request))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("request_url", self.request_url))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("data_url", self.data_url))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("query", query_str))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("status", status_str))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("data", data_str))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("logs", logs_str))

A special print output for this class.

def update_status(self, status: Optional[Dict] = None) ‑> None
Expand source code
def update_status(self, status: Optional[Dict] = None) -> None:
    Update the status of this data product search request

        status: the previously-retrieved status of this request (include
            to avoid requesting it from the API again), defaults to None
    # get the status if it isn't passed in
    if (status is None):
        status = requests_get_status(self.aurorax_obj, self.request_url)

    # check response
    if (status is None):
        raise AuroraXAPIError("Could not retrieve status for this request")

    # update request status by checking if data URI is set
    if (status["search_result"]["data_uri"] is not None):
        self.completed = True
        self.data_url = "%s/data" % (self.request_url)

    # set class variable "status" and "logs"
    self.status = status
    self.logs = status["logs"]

Update the status of this data product search request


the previously-retrieved status of this request (include to avoid requesting it from the API again), defaults to None
def wait(self, poll_interval: float = 1.0, verbose: bool = False) ‑> None
Expand source code
def wait(self, poll_interval: float = __STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME, verbose: bool = False) -> None:
    Block and wait for the request to complete and data is available
    for retrieval

        poll_interval: time in seconds to wait between polling attempts,
            defaults to pyaurorax.requests.STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME
        verbose: output poll times and other progress messages, defaults
            to False
    url = "%s/%s" % (self.aurorax_obj.api_base_url,
    self.update_status(requests_wait_for_data(self.aurorax_obj, url, poll_interval, verbose))

Block and wait for the request to complete and data is available for retrieval


time in seconds to wait between polling attempts, defaults to pyaurorax.requests.STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME
output poll times and other progress messages, defaults to False
class DataSource (identifier: int | None = None,
program: str | None = None,
platform: str | None = None,
instrument_type: str | None = None,
source_type: str | None = None,
display_name: str | None = None,
metadata: Dict | None = None,
owner: str | None = None,
maintainers: List[str] | None = None,
ephemeris_metadata_schema: List[Dict] | None = None,
data_product_metadata_schema: List[Dict] | None = None,
stats: DataSourceStatistics | None = None,
format: str = 'full_record')
Expand source code
class DataSource:
    AuroraX data source record

        identifier (int): the unique AuroraX data source identifier
        program (str): the program for this data source
        platform (str): the platform for this data source
        instrument_type (str): the instrument type for this data source
        source_type (str): the data source type for this data source. Options are
            in the module, or at the top level using the
  * variables.
        display_name (str): the display name for this data source
        metadata (Dict): metadata for this data source (arbitrary keys and values)
        owner (str): the owner's email address of this data source
        maintainers (List[str]): the email addresses of AuroraX accounts that can alter
            this data source and its associated records
        ephemeris_metadata_schema (Dict): a list of dictionaries capturing the metadata
            keys and values that can appear in ephemeris records associated with
            this data source
        data_product_metadata_schema (Dict): a list of dictionaries capturing the metadata
            keys and values that can appear in data product records associated with
            this data source
        format (str): the format used when printing the data source, defaults to
            "full_record". Other options are in the module, or
            at the top level using the* variables.

    def __init__(self,
                 identifier: Optional[int] = None,
                 program: Optional[str] = None,
                 platform: Optional[str] = None,
                 instrument_type: Optional[str] = None,
                 source_type: Optional[str] = None,
                 display_name: Optional[str] = None,
                 metadata: Optional[Dict] = None,
                 owner: Optional[str] = None,
                 maintainers: Optional[List[str]] = None,
                 ephemeris_metadata_schema: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
                 data_product_metadata_schema: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
                 stats: Optional[DataSourceStatistics] = None,
                 format: str = FORMAT_FULL_RECORD):
        self.identifier = identifier
        self.program = program
        self.platform = platform
        self.instrument_type = instrument_type
        self.source_type = source_type
        self.display_name = display_name
        self.metadata = metadata
        self.owner = owner
        self.maintainers = maintainers
        self.ephemeris_metadata_schema = ephemeris_metadata_schema
        self.data_product_metadata_schema = data_product_metadata_schema
        self.stats = stats
        self.format = format

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "DataSource(identifier=%s, program='%s', platform='%s', instrument_type='%s', source_type='%s', display_name='%s', ...)" % (

    def pretty_print(self):
        A special print output for this class.
        max_len = 80
        print("  %-30s: %d" % ("identifier", self.identifier))
        print("  %-30s: %s" % ("program", self.program))
        print("  %-30s: %s" % ("platform", self.platform))
        print("  %-30s: %s" % ("instrument_type", self.instrument_type))
        print("  %-30s: %s" % ("source_type", self.source_type))
        print("  %-30s: %s" % ("display_name", self.display_name))
        print("  %-30s: %s" % ("metadata", self.metadata))
        print("  %-30s: %s" % ("owner", self.owner))
        print("  %-30s: %s" % ("maintainers", self.maintainers))
        if (self.ephemeris_metadata_schema is not None and len(str(self.ephemeris_metadata_schema)) > max_len):
            ephemeris_metadata_schema_str = "%s..." % (str(self.ephemeris_metadata_schema)[0:max_len])
            ephemeris_metadata_schema_str = self.ephemeris_metadata_schema
        print("  %-30s: %s" % ("ephemeris_metadata_schema", ephemeris_metadata_schema_str))
        if (self.data_product_metadata_schema is not None and len(str(self.data_product_metadata_schema)) > max_len):
            data_product_metadata_schema_str = "%s..." % (str(self.data_product_metadata_schema)[0:max_len])
            data_product_metadata_schema_str = self.data_product_metadata_schema
        print("  %-30s: %s" % ("data_product_metadata_schema", data_product_metadata_schema_str))
        if (self.stats is not None and len(str(self.stats)) > max_len):
            stats_str = "%s..." % (str(self.stats)[0:max_len])
            stats_str = self.data_product_metadata_schema
        print("  %-30s: %s" % ("stats", stats_str))
        print("  %-30s: %s" % ("format", self.format))

AuroraX data source record


identifier : int
the unique AuroraX data source identifier
program : str
the program for this data source
platform : str
the platform for this data source
instrument_type : str
the instrument type for this data source
source_type : str
the data source type for this data source. Options are in the module, or at the top level using the* variables.
display_name : str
the display name for this data source
metadata : Dict
metadata for this data source (arbitrary keys and values)
owner : str
the owner's email address of this data source
maintainers : List[str]
the email addresses of AuroraX accounts that can alter this data source and its associated records
ephemeris_metadata_schema : Dict
a list of dictionaries capturing the metadata keys and values that can appear in ephemeris records associated with this data source
data_product_metadata_schema : Dict
a list of dictionaries capturing the metadata keys and values that can appear in data product records associated with this data source
format : str
the format used when printing the data source, defaults to "full_record". Other options are in the module, or at the top level using the* variables.


def pretty_print(self)
Expand source code
def pretty_print(self):
    A special print output for this class.
    max_len = 80
    print("  %-30s: %d" % ("identifier", self.identifier))
    print("  %-30s: %s" % ("program", self.program))
    print("  %-30s: %s" % ("platform", self.platform))
    print("  %-30s: %s" % ("instrument_type", self.instrument_type))
    print("  %-30s: %s" % ("source_type", self.source_type))
    print("  %-30s: %s" % ("display_name", self.display_name))
    print("  %-30s: %s" % ("metadata", self.metadata))
    print("  %-30s: %s" % ("owner", self.owner))
    print("  %-30s: %s" % ("maintainers", self.maintainers))
    if (self.ephemeris_metadata_schema is not None and len(str(self.ephemeris_metadata_schema)) > max_len):
        ephemeris_metadata_schema_str = "%s..." % (str(self.ephemeris_metadata_schema)[0:max_len])
        ephemeris_metadata_schema_str = self.ephemeris_metadata_schema
    print("  %-30s: %s" % ("ephemeris_metadata_schema", ephemeris_metadata_schema_str))
    if (self.data_product_metadata_schema is not None and len(str(self.data_product_metadata_schema)) > max_len):
        data_product_metadata_schema_str = "%s..." % (str(self.data_product_metadata_schema)[0:max_len])
        data_product_metadata_schema_str = self.data_product_metadata_schema
    print("  %-30s: %s" % ("data_product_metadata_schema", data_product_metadata_schema_str))
    if (self.stats is not None and len(str(self.stats)) > max_len):
        stats_str = "%s..." % (str(self.stats)[0:max_len])
        stats_str = self.data_product_metadata_schema
    print("  %-30s: %s" % ("stats", stats_str))
    print("  %-30s: %s" % ("format", self.format))

A special print output for this class.

class EphemerisData (data_source: DataSource,
epoch: datetime.datetime,
location_geo: Location | None = None,
nbtrace: Location | None = None,
sbtrace: Location | None = None,
location_gsm: Location | None = None,
metadata: Dict | None = None)
Expand source code
class EphemerisData:
    Ephemeris object

        data_source: data source that the ephemeris record is associated with
        epoch: timestamp for the record (assumed it is in UTC)
        location_geo: Location object containing geographic latitude and longitude
        location_gsm: Location object containing GSM latitude and longitude (leave
            empty for data sources with a type of 'ground')
        nbtrace: Location object with north B-trace geographic latitude and longitude
        sbtrace: Location object with south B-trace geographic latitude and longitude
        metadata: metadata for this record (arbitrary keys and values)

    def __init__(self,
                 data_source: DataSource,
                 epoch: datetime.datetime,
                 location_geo: Optional[Location] = None,
                 nbtrace: Optional[Location] = None,
                 sbtrace: Optional[Location] = None,
                 location_gsm: Optional[Location] = None,
                 metadata: Optional[Dict] = None):
        self.data_source = data_source
        self.epoch = epoch
        self.location_geo = Location(lat=None, lon=None) if location_geo is None else location_geo
        self.nbtrace = Location(lat=None, lon=None) if nbtrace is None else nbtrace
        self.sbtrace = Location(lat=None, lon=None) if sbtrace is None else sbtrace
        self.location_gsm = Location(lat=None, lon=None) if location_gsm is None else location_gsm
        self.metadata = metadata

    def to_json_serializable(self) -> Dict:
        Convert object to a JSON-serializable object (ie. translate
        datetime objects to strings)

            a dictionary object that is JSON-serializable
        # init
        d = self.__dict__

        # format epoch as str
        if (isinstance(d["epoch"], datetime.datetime) is True):
            d["epoch"] = d["epoch"].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00.000Z")

        # format location
        if (isinstance(d["location_geo"], Location) is True):
            d["location_geo"] = d["location_geo"].to_json_serializable()
        if (isinstance(d["location_gsm"], Location) is True):
            d["location_gsm"] = d["location_gsm"].to_json_serializable()
        if (isinstance(d["nbtrace"], Location) is True):
            d["nbtrace"] = d["nbtrace"].to_json_serializable()
        if (isinstance(d["sbtrace"], Location) is True):
            d["sbtrace"] = d["sbtrace"].to_json_serializable()

        # format metadata
        if (self.metadata is not None):
            for key, value in self.metadata.items():
                if (isinstance(value, datetime.datetime) is True or isinstance(value, is True):
                    self.metadata[key] = self.metadata[key].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
        # if (isinstance(self.metadata, list) is True):
        #     self.metadata = {}

        # format data source fields for query
        d["program"] = self.data_source.program
        d["platform"] = self.data_source.platform
        d["instrument_type"] = self.data_source.instrument_type
        del d["data_source"]

        # return
        return d

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        # shorten the metadata
        max_len = 20
        attr_metadata = f"{self.metadata}"
        if (len(attr_metadata) > max_len):
            attr_metadata = attr_metadata[0:max_len] + "...}"

        # return formatted representation
        return f"EphemerisData(epoch={repr(self.epoch)}, location_geo={repr(self.location_geo)}, " \
            f"location_gsm={repr(self.location_gsm)}, nbtrace={repr(self.nbtrace)}, sbtrace={repr(self.sbtrace)}, " \
            f"metadata={attr_metadata}, data_source=DataSource(...))"

Ephemeris object


data source that the ephemeris record is associated with
timestamp for the record (assumed it is in UTC)
Location object containing geographic latitude and longitude
Location object containing GSM latitude and longitude (leave empty for data sources with a type of 'ground')
Location object with north B-trace geographic latitude and longitude
Location object with south B-trace geographic latitude and longitude
metadata for this record (arbitrary keys and values)


def to_json_serializable(self) ‑> Dict
Expand source code
def to_json_serializable(self) -> Dict:
    Convert object to a JSON-serializable object (ie. translate
    datetime objects to strings)

        a dictionary object that is JSON-serializable
    # init
    d = self.__dict__

    # format epoch as str
    if (isinstance(d["epoch"], datetime.datetime) is True):
        d["epoch"] = d["epoch"].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00.000Z")

    # format location
    if (isinstance(d["location_geo"], Location) is True):
        d["location_geo"] = d["location_geo"].to_json_serializable()
    if (isinstance(d["location_gsm"], Location) is True):
        d["location_gsm"] = d["location_gsm"].to_json_serializable()
    if (isinstance(d["nbtrace"], Location) is True):
        d["nbtrace"] = d["nbtrace"].to_json_serializable()
    if (isinstance(d["sbtrace"], Location) is True):
        d["sbtrace"] = d["sbtrace"].to_json_serializable()

    # format metadata
    if (self.metadata is not None):
        for key, value in self.metadata.items():
            if (isinstance(value, datetime.datetime) is True or isinstance(value, is True):
                self.metadata[key] = self.metadata[key].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
    # if (isinstance(self.metadata, list) is True):
    #     self.metadata = {}

    # format data source fields for query
    d["program"] = self.data_source.program
    d["platform"] = self.data_source.platform
    d["instrument_type"] = self.data_source.instrument_type
    del d["data_source"]

    # return
    return d

Convert object to a JSON-serializable object (ie. translate datetime objects to strings)


a dictionary object that is JSON-serializable

class EphemerisSearch (aurorax_obj: PyAuroraX,
start: datetime.datetime,
end: datetime.datetime,
programs: Optional[List[str]] = None,
platforms: Optional[List[str]] = None,
instrument_types: Optional[List[str]] = None,
metadata_filters: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
metadata_filters_logical_operator: "Optional[Literal['AND', 'OR']]" = None,
response_format: Optional[Dict] = None)
Expand source code
class EphemerisSearch:
    Class representing an ephemeris search

    Note: At least one search criteria from programs, platforms, or instrument_types
    must be specified.

        start: start timestamp of the search (inclusive)
        end: end timestamp of the search (inclusive)
        programs: list of programs to search through, defaults to None
        platforms: list of platforms to search through, defaults to None
        instrument_types: list of instrument types to search through, defaults to None
        metadata_filters: list of dictionaries describing metadata keys and
            values to filter on, defaults to None

            e.g. {
                "key": "string",
                "operator": "=",
                "values": [
        metadata_filters_logical_operator: the logical operator to use when
            evaluating metadata filters (either 'AND' or 'OR'), defaults
            to "AND"
        response_format: JSON representation of desired data response format
        request: AuroraXResponse object returned when the search is executed
        request_id: unique ID assigned to the request by the AuroraX API
        request_url: unique URL assigned to the request by the AuroraX API
        executed: indicates if the search has been executed/started
        completed: indicates if the search has finished
        data_url: the URL where data is accessed
        query: the query for this request as JSON
        status: the status of the query
        data: the ephemeris records found
        logs: all log messages outputted by the AuroraX API for this request


    def __init__(self,
                 aurorax_obj: PyAuroraX,
                 start: datetime.datetime,
                 end: datetime.datetime,
                 programs: Optional[List[str]] = None,
                 platforms: Optional[List[str]] = None,
                 instrument_types: Optional[List[str]] = None,
                 metadata_filters: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
                 metadata_filters_logical_operator: Optional[Literal["AND", "OR"]] = None,
                 response_format: Optional[Dict] = None) -> None:

        # set variables using passed in args
        self.aurorax_obj = aurorax_obj
        self.start = start
        self.end = end
        self.programs = programs
        self.platforms = platforms
        self.instrument_types = instrument_types
        self.metadata_filters = metadata_filters
        self.metadata_filters_logical_operator = "AND" if metadata_filters_logical_operator is None else metadata_filters_logical_operator
        self.response_format = response_format

        # initialize additional variables
        self.request = None
        self.request_id = ""
        self.request_url = ""
        self.executed = False
        self.completed = False
        self.data_url = ""
        self.query = {}
        self.status = {} = []
        self.logs = []

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "EphemerisSearch(executed=%s, completed=%s, request_id='%s')" % (

    def pretty_print(self):
        A special print output for this class.
        # set status and query strings
        max_len = 80
        status_str = str(self.status)
        query_str = str(self.query)
        if (len(status_str) > max_len):
            status_str = "%s..." % (status_str[0:max_len])
        if (len(query_str) > max_len):
            query_str = "%s..." % (query_str[0:max_len])

        # set results string
        if (self.executed is True):
            if (len( == 0):
                data_str = "[0 ephemeris results]"
            elif (len( == 1):
                data_str = "[1 ephemeris result]"
                data_str = "[%d ephemeris results]" % (len(
            data_str = ""

        # set logs string
        if (self.executed is True):
            if (len(self.logs) == 0):
                logs_str = "[0 log messages]"
            elif (len(self.logs) == 1):
                logs_str = "[1 log message]"
                logs_str = "[%d log messages]" % (len(self.logs))
            logs_str = ""

        # print
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("executed", self.executed))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("completed", self.completed))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("request_id", self.request_id))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("request", self.request))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("request_url", self.request_url))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("data_url", self.data_url))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("query", query_str))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("status", status_str))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("data", data_str))
        print("  %-13s: %s" % ("logs", logs_str))

    def query(self):
        Property for the query value
        self._query = {
            "data_sources": {
                "programs": [] if not self.programs else self.programs,
                "platforms": [] if not self.platforms else self.platforms,
                "instrument_types": [] if not self.instrument_types else self.instrument_types,
                "ephemeris_metadata_filters": {} if not self.metadata_filters else {
                    "logical_operator": self.metadata_filters_logical_operator,
                    "expressions": self.metadata_filters
            "start": self.start.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"),
            "end": self.end.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"),
        return self._query

    def query(self, query):
        self._query = query

    def execute(self) -> None:
        Initiate ephemeris search request

            pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXError: invalid request parameters are set
        # check for at least one filter criteria
        if not (self.programs or self.platforms or self.instrument_types or self.metadata_filters):
            raise AuroraXError("At least one filter criteria parameter besides 'start' and 'end' must be specified")

        # do request
        url = "%s/%s" % (self.aurorax_obj.api_base_url,
        req = AuroraXAPIRequest(self.aurorax_obj, method="post", url=url, body=self.query, null_response=True)
        res = req.execute()

        # set request ID, request_url, executed
        self.executed = True
        if (res.status_code == 202):
            # request successfully dispatched
            self.executed = True
            self.request_url = res.request.headers["location"]
            self.request_id = self.request_url.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]

        # set the request variable
        self.request = res

    def update_status(self, status: Optional[Dict] = None) -> None:
        Update the status of this ephemeris search request

            status: the previously-retrieved status of this request (include
                to avoid requesting it from the API again), defaults to None
        # get the status if it isn't passed in
        if (status is None):
            status = requests_get_status(self.aurorax_obj, self.request_url)

        # check response
        if (status is None):
            raise AuroraXAPIError("Could not retrieve status for this request")

        # update request status by checking if data URI is set
        if (status["search_result"]["data_uri"] is not None):
            self.completed = True
            self.data_url = "%s/data" % (self.request_url)

        # set class variable "status" and "logs"
        self.status = status
        self.logs = status["logs"]

    def check_for_data(self) -> bool:
        Check to see if data is available for this ephemeris
        search request

            True if data is available, else False
        return self.completed

    def get_data(self) -> None:
        Retrieve the data available for this ephemeris search request
        # check if completed yet
        if (self.completed is False):
            print("No data available, update status or check for data first")

        # get data
        raw_data = requests_get_data(self.aurorax_obj, self.data_url, self.response_format, False)

        # set data variable
        if (self.response_format is not None):
   = raw_data
            # cast data source objects
            for i in range(0, len(raw_data)):
                ds = DataSource(**raw_data[i]["data_source"], format=FORMAT_BASIC_INFO)
                raw_data[i]["data_source"] = ds

            # cast ephemeris objects
   = [EphemerisData(**e) for e in raw_data]

    def wait(self, poll_interval: float = __STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME, verbose: bool = False) -> None:
        Block and wait for the request to complete and data is
        available for retrieval

            poll_interval: time in seconds to wait between polling attempts,
                defaults to pyaurorax.requests.STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME
            verbose: output poll times and other progress messages, defaults
                to False
        url = "%s/%s" % (self.aurorax_obj.api_base_url,
        self.update_status(requests_wait_for_data(self.aurorax_obj, url, poll_interval, verbose))

    def cancel(self, wait: bool = False, poll_interval: float = __STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME, verbose: bool = False) -> int:
        Cancel the ephemeris search request

        This method returns immediately by default since the API processes
        this request asynchronously. If you would prefer to wait for it
        to be completed, set the 'wait' parameter to True. You can adjust
        the polling time using the 'poll_interval' parameter.

            wait: wait until the cancellation request has been
                completed (may wait for several minutes)
            poll_interval: seconds to wait between polling
                calls, defaults to STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME.
            verbose: output poll times and other progress messages, defaults
                to False

            1 on success

            pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXUnauthorizedError: invalid API key for this operation
            pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXAPIError: An API error was encountered
        url = "%s/%s" % (self.aurorax_obj.api_base_url,
        return requests_cancel(self.aurorax_obj, url, wait, poll_interval, verbose)

Class representing an ephemeris search

Note: At least one search criteria from programs, platforms, or instrument_types must be specified.


start timestamp of the search (inclusive)
end timestamp of the search (inclusive)
list of programs to search through, defaults to None
list of platforms to search through, defaults to None
list of instrument types to search through, defaults to None

list of dictionaries describing metadata keys and values to filter on, defaults to None

e.g. { "key": "string", "operator": "=", "values": [ "string" ] }

the logical operator to use when evaluating metadata filters (either 'AND' or 'OR'), defaults to "AND"
JSON representation of desired data response format
AuroraXResponse object returned when the search is executed
unique ID assigned to the request by the AuroraX API
unique URL assigned to the request by the AuroraX API
indicates if the search has been executed/started
indicates if the search has finished
the URL where data is accessed
the query for this request as JSON
the status of the query
the ephemeris records found
all log messages outputted by the AuroraX API for this request

Instance variables

prop query
Expand source code
def query(self):
    Property for the query value
    self._query = {
        "data_sources": {
            "programs": [] if not self.programs else self.programs,
            "platforms": [] if not self.platforms else self.platforms,
            "instrument_types": [] if not self.instrument_types else self.instrument_types,
            "ephemeris_metadata_filters": {} if not self.metadata_filters else {
                "logical_operator": self.metadata_filters_logical_operator,
                "expressions": self.metadata_filters
        "start": self.start.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"),
        "end": self.end.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"),
    return self._query

Property for the query value


def cancel(self, wait: bool = False, poll_interval: float = 1.0, verbose: bool = False) ‑> int
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def cancel(self, wait: bool = False, poll_interval: float = __STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME, verbose: bool = False) -> int:
    Cancel the ephemeris search request

    This method returns immediately by default since the API processes
    this request asynchronously. If you would prefer to wait for it
    to be completed, set the 'wait' parameter to True. You can adjust
    the polling time using the 'poll_interval' parameter.

        wait: wait until the cancellation request has been
            completed (may wait for several minutes)
        poll_interval: seconds to wait between polling
            calls, defaults to STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME.
        verbose: output poll times and other progress messages, defaults
            to False

        1 on success

        pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXUnauthorizedError: invalid API key for this operation
        pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXAPIError: An API error was encountered
    url = "%s/%s" % (self.aurorax_obj.api_base_url,
    return requests_cancel(self.aurorax_obj, url, wait, poll_interval, verbose)

Cancel the ephemeris search request

This method returns immediately by default since the API processes this request asynchronously. If you would prefer to wait for it to be completed, set the 'wait' parameter to True. You can adjust the polling time using the 'poll_interval' parameter.


wait until the cancellation request has been completed (may wait for several minutes)
seconds to wait between polling calls, defaults to STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME.
output poll times and other progress messages, defaults to False


1 on success


invalid API key for this operation
An API error was encountered
def check_for_data(self) ‑> bool
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def check_for_data(self) -> bool:
    Check to see if data is available for this ephemeris
    search request

        True if data is available, else False
    return self.completed

Check to see if data is available for this ephemeris search request


True if data is available, else False

def execute(self) ‑> None
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def execute(self) -> None:
    Initiate ephemeris search request

        pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXError: invalid request parameters are set
    # check for at least one filter criteria
    if not (self.programs or self.platforms or self.instrument_types or self.metadata_filters):
        raise AuroraXError("At least one filter criteria parameter besides 'start' and 'end' must be specified")

    # do request
    url = "%s/%s" % (self.aurorax_obj.api_base_url,
    req = AuroraXAPIRequest(self.aurorax_obj, method="post", url=url, body=self.query, null_response=True)
    res = req.execute()

    # set request ID, request_url, executed
    self.executed = True
    if (res.status_code == 202):
        # request successfully dispatched
        self.executed = True
        self.request_url = res.request.headers["location"]
        self.request_id = self.request_url.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]

    # set the request variable
    self.request = res

Initiate ephemeris search request


invalid request parameters are set
def get_data(self) ‑> None
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def get_data(self) -> None:
    Retrieve the data available for this ephemeris search request
    # check if completed yet
    if (self.completed is False):
        print("No data available, update status or check for data first")

    # get data
    raw_data = requests_get_data(self.aurorax_obj, self.data_url, self.response_format, False)

    # set data variable
    if (self.response_format is not None): = raw_data
        # cast data source objects
        for i in range(0, len(raw_data)):
            ds = DataSource(**raw_data[i]["data_source"], format=FORMAT_BASIC_INFO)
            raw_data[i]["data_source"] = ds

        # cast ephemeris objects = [EphemerisData(**e) for e in raw_data]

Retrieve the data available for this ephemeris search request

def pretty_print(self)
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def pretty_print(self):
    A special print output for this class.
    # set status and query strings
    max_len = 80
    status_str = str(self.status)
    query_str = str(self.query)
    if (len(status_str) > max_len):
        status_str = "%s..." % (status_str[0:max_len])
    if (len(query_str) > max_len):
        query_str = "%s..." % (query_str[0:max_len])

    # set results string
    if (self.executed is True):
        if (len( == 0):
            data_str = "[0 ephemeris results]"
        elif (len( == 1):
            data_str = "[1 ephemeris result]"
            data_str = "[%d ephemeris results]" % (len(
        data_str = ""

    # set logs string
    if (self.executed is True):
        if (len(self.logs) == 0):
            logs_str = "[0 log messages]"
        elif (len(self.logs) == 1):
            logs_str = "[1 log message]"
            logs_str = "[%d log messages]" % (len(self.logs))
        logs_str = ""

    # print
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("executed", self.executed))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("completed", self.completed))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("request_id", self.request_id))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("request", self.request))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("request_url", self.request_url))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("data_url", self.data_url))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("query", query_str))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("status", status_str))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("data", data_str))
    print("  %-13s: %s" % ("logs", logs_str))

A special print output for this class.

def update_status(self, status: Optional[Dict] = None) ‑> None
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def update_status(self, status: Optional[Dict] = None) -> None:
    Update the status of this ephemeris search request

        status: the previously-retrieved status of this request (include
            to avoid requesting it from the API again), defaults to None
    # get the status if it isn't passed in
    if (status is None):
        status = requests_get_status(self.aurorax_obj, self.request_url)

    # check response
    if (status is None):
        raise AuroraXAPIError("Could not retrieve status for this request")

    # update request status by checking if data URI is set
    if (status["search_result"]["data_uri"] is not None):
        self.completed = True
        self.data_url = "%s/data" % (self.request_url)

    # set class variable "status" and "logs"
    self.status = status
    self.logs = status["logs"]

Update the status of this ephemeris search request


the previously-retrieved status of this request (include to avoid requesting it from the API again), defaults to None
def wait(self, poll_interval: float = 1.0, verbose: bool = False) ‑> None
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def wait(self, poll_interval: float = __STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME, verbose: bool = False) -> None:
    Block and wait for the request to complete and data is
    available for retrieval

        poll_interval: time in seconds to wait between polling attempts,
            defaults to pyaurorax.requests.STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME
        verbose: output poll times and other progress messages, defaults
            to False
    url = "%s/%s" % (self.aurorax_obj.api_base_url,
    self.update_status(requests_wait_for_data(self.aurorax_obj, url, poll_interval, verbose))

Block and wait for the request to complete and data is available for retrieval


time in seconds to wait between polling attempts, defaults to pyaurorax.requests.STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME
output poll times and other progress messages, defaults to False
class Location (lat: float | None = None, lon: float | None = None)
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class Location:
    Representation for an AuroraX location, such as geographic coordinates, GSM coordinates,
    or northern/southern B-trace magnetic footprints.

    Latitude and longitude values are in decimal degrees format, ranging from -90 to 90
    for latitude and -180 to 180 for longitude.

    Note that latitude and longitude must both be numbers, or both be None.

        lat (float): latitude value
        lon (float): longitude value
        ValueError: if both latitude and longitude are not real numbers, or not both None.

    def __init__(self, lat: Optional[float] = None, lon: Optional[float] = None):
        if (lat is None and lon is not None) or (lat is not None and lon is None):
            # one of them is None, not allowed
            raise ValueError("Latitude and longitude must both be numbers, or both be None")
        self.__lat = lat
        self.__lon = lon

    def lat(self):
        return self.__lat

    def lat(self, value: float):
        if (self.__lon is None and value is not None) or (self.__lon is not None and value is None):
            # one of them is None, not allowed
            raise ValueError("Latitude and longitude must both be numbers, or both be None")
        self.__lat = value

    def lon(self):
        return self.__lon

    def lon(self, value: float):
        if (self.__lat is None and value is not None) or (self.__lat is not None and value is None):
            # one of them is None, not allowed
            raise ValueError("Latitude and longitude must both be numbers, or both be None")
        self.__lon = value

    def to_json_serializable(self) -> Dict:
        Convert object to a JSON-serializable object (ie. translate
        datetime objects to strings)

            a dictionary object that is JSON-serializable
        return {"lat":, "lon": self.lon}

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "%s(lat=%s, lon=%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, str(, str(self.lon))

Representation for an AuroraX location, such as geographic coordinates, GSM coordinates, or northern/southern B-trace magnetic footprints.

Latitude and longitude values are in decimal degrees format, ranging from -90 to 90 for latitude and -180 to 180 for longitude.

Note that latitude and longitude must both be numbers, or both be None.


lat : float
latitude value
lon : float
longitude value


if both latitude and longitude are not real numbers, or not both None.

Instance variables

prop lat
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def lat(self):
    return self.__lat
prop lon
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def lon(self):
    return self.__lon


def to_json_serializable(self) ‑> Dict
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def to_json_serializable(self) -> Dict:
    Convert object to a JSON-serializable object (ie. translate
    datetime objects to strings)

        a dictionary object that is JSON-serializable
    return {"lat":, "lon": self.lon}

Convert object to a JSON-serializable object (ie. translate datetime objects to strings)


a dictionary object that is JSON-serializable

class SearchManager (aurorax_obj)
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class SearchManager:
    The SearchManager object is initialized within every PyAuroraX object. It acts as a way to access 
    the submodules and carry over configuration information in the super class.

    def __init__(self, aurorax_obj):
        self.__aurorax_obj = aurorax_obj

        # initialize sub-modules
        self.__util = UtilManager()
        self.__api = module_api
        self.__sources = SourcesManager(self.__aurorax_obj)
        self.__availability = AvailabilityManager(self.__aurorax_obj)
        self.__metadata = MetadataManager(self.__aurorax_obj)
        self.__requests = RequestsManager(self.__aurorax_obj)
        self.__ephemeris = EphemerisManager(self.__aurorax_obj)
        self.__data_products = DataProductsManager(self.__aurorax_obj)
        self.__conjunctions = ConjunctionsManager(self.__aurorax_obj)

    # ------------------------------------------
    # properties for submodule managers
    # ------------------------------------------
    def util(self):
        Access to the `util` submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.
        return self.__util

    def api(self):
        Access to the `api` submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.
        return self.__api

    def sources(self):
        Access to the `sources` submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.
        return self.__sources

    def availability(self):
        Access to the `availability` submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.
        return self.__availability

    def metadata(self):
        Access to the `metadata` submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.
        return self.__metadata

    def requests(self):
        Access to the `requests` submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.
        return self.__requests

    def ephemeris(self):
        Access to the `ephemeris` submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.
        return self.__ephemeris

    def data_products(self):
        Access to the `data_products` submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.
        return self.__data_products

    def conjunctions(self):
        Access to the `conjunctions` submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.
        return self.__conjunctions

The SearchManager object is initialized within every PyAuroraX object. It acts as a way to access the submodules and carry over configuration information in the super class.

Instance variables

prop api
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def api(self):
    Access to the `api` submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.
    return self.__api

Access to the submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.

prop availability
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def availability(self):
    Access to the `availability` submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.
    return self.__availability

Access to the submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.

prop conjunctions
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def conjunctions(self):
    Access to the `conjunctions` submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.
    return self.__conjunctions

Access to the submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.

prop data_products
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def data_products(self):
    Access to the `data_products` submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.
    return self.__data_products

Access to the submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.

prop ephemeris
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def ephemeris(self):
    Access to the `ephemeris` submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.
    return self.__ephemeris

Access to the submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.

prop metadata
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def metadata(self):
    Access to the `metadata` submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.
    return self.__metadata

Access to the submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.

prop requests
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def requests(self):
    Access to the `requests` submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.
    return self.__requests

Access to the submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.

prop sources
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def sources(self):
    Access to the `sources` submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.
    return self.__sources

Access to the submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.

prop util
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def util(self):
    Access to the `util` submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.
    return self.__util

Access to the submodule from within a PyAuroraX object.