
Interacting with the data source metadata schemas.

Note that all functions and classes from submodules are all imported at this level of the metadata module. They can be referenced from here instead of digging in deeper to the submodules.


class MetadataManager (aurorax_obj)
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class MetadataManager:
    The MetadataManager object is initialized within every PyAuroraX object. It acts as a way to access 
    the submodules and carry over configuration information in the super class.

    def __init__(self, aurorax_obj):
        self.__aurorax_obj = aurorax_obj

    def validate(self, schema: List[Dict], record: Dict, quiet: Optional[bool] = False) -> bool:
        Validate a metadata record against a schema. This checks that the
        key names match and there aren't fewer or more keys than expected.

            schema (List[Dict]): 
                The metadata schema to validate against

            record (Dict): 
                Metadata record to validate

            quiet (bool): 
                Suppress any stdout output

            True if the metadata record is valid, False if it is not
        return func_validate(schema, record, quiet)

    def get_ephemeris_schema(self, identifier: int) -> List[Dict]:
        Retrieve the ephemeris metadata schema for a data source

            identifier (int): 
                The AuroraX data source ID

            The ephemeris metadata schema for the data source
        return func_get_ephemeris_schema(self.__aurorax_obj, identifier)

    def get_data_products_schema(self, identifier: int) -> List[Dict]:
        Retrieve the data products metadata schema for a data source

            identifier (int): 
                The AuroraX data source ID

            The data products metadata schema for the data source
        return func_get_data_products_schema(self.__aurorax_obj, identifier)

The MetadataManager object is initialized within every PyAuroraX object. It acts as a way to access the submodules and carry over configuration information in the super class.


def get_data_products_schema(self, identifier: int) ‑> List[Dict]
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def get_data_products_schema(self, identifier: int) -> List[Dict]:
    Retrieve the data products metadata schema for a data source

        identifier (int): 
            The AuroraX data source ID

        The data products metadata schema for the data source
    return func_get_data_products_schema(self.__aurorax_obj, identifier)

Retrieve the data products metadata schema for a data source


identifier : int
The AuroraX data source ID


The data products metadata schema for the data source

def get_ephemeris_schema(self, identifier: int) ‑> List[Dict]
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def get_ephemeris_schema(self, identifier: int) -> List[Dict]:
    Retrieve the ephemeris metadata schema for a data source

        identifier (int): 
            The AuroraX data source ID

        The ephemeris metadata schema for the data source
    return func_get_ephemeris_schema(self.__aurorax_obj, identifier)

Retrieve the ephemeris metadata schema for a data source


identifier : int
The AuroraX data source ID


The ephemeris metadata schema for the data source

def validate(self, schema: List[Dict], record: Dict, quiet: bool | None = False) ‑> bool
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def validate(self, schema: List[Dict], record: Dict, quiet: Optional[bool] = False) -> bool:
    Validate a metadata record against a schema. This checks that the
    key names match and there aren't fewer or more keys than expected.

        schema (List[Dict]): 
            The metadata schema to validate against

        record (Dict): 
            Metadata record to validate

        quiet (bool): 
            Suppress any stdout output

        True if the metadata record is valid, False if it is not
    return func_validate(schema, record, quiet)

Validate a metadata record against a schema. This checks that the key names match and there aren't fewer or more keys than expected.


schema : List[Dict]
The metadata schema to validate against
record : Dict
Metadata record to validate
quiet : bool
Suppress any stdout output


True if the metadata record is valid, False if it is not