Helper methods for retrieving data from an AuroraX search engine API request.
Note that all functions and classes from submodules are all imported at this level of the requests module. They can be referenced from here instead of digging in deeper to the submodules.
class RequestsManager (aurorax_obj)
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class RequestsManager: """ The RequestsManager object is initialized within every PyAuroraX object. It acts as a way to access the submodules and carry over configuration information in the super class. """ __STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME: float = 1.0 # Polling sleep time when waiting for data (after the initial sleep time), in seconds def __init__(self, aurorax_obj): self.__aurorax_obj = aurorax_obj def get_status(self, request_url: str) -> Dict: """ Retrieve the status of a request Args: request_url (str): The URL of the request information Returns: The status information for the request """ return func_get_status(self.__aurorax_obj, request_url) def get_data(self, data_url: str, response_format: Optional[Dict] = None, skip_serializing: bool = False) -> List: """ Retrieve the data for a request Args: data_url (str): The URL for the data of a request, response_format (Dict): The response format to send as post data, defaults to None skip_serializing (bool): Skip any object serializing, defaults to False Raises: pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXDataRetrievalError: Error retrieving data Returns: the data for this request """ return func_get_data(self.__aurorax_obj, data_url, response_format, skip_serializing) def get_logs(self, request_url: str) -> List: """ Retrieve the logs for a request Args: request_url (str): The URL of the request information Returns: The log messages for the request """ return func_get_logs(self.__aurorax_obj, request_url) def wait_for_data(self, request_url: str, poll_interval: float = __STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME, verbose: bool = False) -> Dict: """ Block and wait for the data to be made available for a request Args: request_url (str): The URL of the request information poll_interval (float): Seconds to wait between polling calls, defaults to 1 second verbose (bool): Output poll times and other progress messages, defaults to False Returns: the status information for the request """ return func_wait_for_data(self.__aurorax_obj, request_url, poll_interval, verbose) def cancel(self, request_url: str, wait: bool = False, poll_interval: float = __STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME, verbose: bool = False) -> int: """ Cancel the request at the given URL. This method returns immediately by default since the API processes this request asynchronously. If you would prefer to wait for it to be completed, set the 'wait' parameter to True. You can adjust the polling time using the 'poll_interval' parameter. Args: request_url (str): The URL string of the request to be canceled wait (bool): Set to True to block until the cancellation request has been completed (may wait for several minutes) poll_interval (float): Seconds to wait between polling calls, defaults to 1 second verbose (bool): If True then output poll times and other progress, defaults to False Returns: 0 on success Raises: pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXUnauthorizedError: Invalid API key for this operation pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXAPIError: An API error was encountered """ return func_cancel(self.__aurorax_obj, request_url, wait, poll_interval, verbose) def list(self, search_type: Optional[Literal["conjunction", "ephemeris", "data_product"]] = None, active: Optional[bool] = None, start: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, end: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, file_size: Optional[int] = None, result_count: Optional[int] = None, query_duration: Optional[int] = None, error_condition: Optional[bool] = None) -> List: """ Retrieve a list of search requests matching certain criteria. Administrators only. Args: search_type (str): The type of search request, valid values are 'conjunction', 'ephemeris', or 'data_product'. Exclusion of value will return all search requests of any type, defaults to None active (bool): Return searches that are currently active or not, exclude for both, defaults to None start (datetime.datetime): Start timestamp for narrowing down search timeframes, defaults to None end (datetime.datetime): End timestamp for narrowing down search timeframes, defaults to None file_size (int): Filter by result file size, measured in KB, defaults to None result_count (int): Filter by result count, defaults to None query_duration (int): Filter by query duration, measured in milliseconds, defaults to None error_condition (bool): Filter by if an error occurred or not, exclude for both, defaults to None Returns: List of matching search requests Raises: ValueError: Unsupported search type pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXUnauthorizedError: Invalid API key for this operation """ return func_list(self.__aurorax_obj, search_type, active, start, end, file_size, result_count, query_duration, error_condition) def delete(self, request_id: str) -> int: # pragma: nocover """ Entirely remove a search request from the AuroraX database. Administrators only. Args: request_id (str): Search request UUID Returns: 0 on success, raises error on failure Raises: pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXNotFoundError: Data source not found """ return func_delete(self.__aurorax_obj, request_id)
The RequestsManager object is initialized within every PyAuroraX object. It acts as a way to access the submodules and carry over configuration information in the super class.
def cancel(self,
request_url: str,
wait: bool = False,
poll_interval: float = 1.0,
verbose: bool = False) ‑> int-
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def cancel(self, request_url: str, wait: bool = False, poll_interval: float = __STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME, verbose: bool = False) -> int: """ Cancel the request at the given URL. This method returns immediately by default since the API processes this request asynchronously. If you would prefer to wait for it to be completed, set the 'wait' parameter to True. You can adjust the polling time using the 'poll_interval' parameter. Args: request_url (str): The URL string of the request to be canceled wait (bool): Set to True to block until the cancellation request has been completed (may wait for several minutes) poll_interval (float): Seconds to wait between polling calls, defaults to 1 second verbose (bool): If True then output poll times and other progress, defaults to False Returns: 0 on success Raises: pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXUnauthorizedError: Invalid API key for this operation pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXAPIError: An API error was encountered """ return func_cancel(self.__aurorax_obj, request_url, wait, poll_interval, verbose)
Cancel the request at the given URL.
This method returns immediately by default since the API processes this request asynchronously. If you would prefer to wait for it to be completed, set the 'wait' parameter to True. You can adjust the polling time using the 'poll_interval' parameter.
- The URL string of the request to be canceled
- Set to True to block until the cancellation request has been completed (may wait for several minutes)
- Seconds to wait between polling calls, defaults to 1 second
- If True then output poll times and other progress, defaults to False
0 on success
- Invalid API key for this operation
- An API error was encountered
def delete(self, request_id: str) ‑> int
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def delete(self, request_id: str) -> int: # pragma: nocover """ Entirely remove a search request from the AuroraX database. Administrators only. Args: request_id (str): Search request UUID Returns: 0 on success, raises error on failure Raises: pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXNotFoundError: Data source not found """ return func_delete(self.__aurorax_obj, request_id)
Entirely remove a search request from the AuroraX database. Administrators only.
- Search request UUID
0 on success, raises error on failure
- Data source not found
def get_data(self,
data_url: str,
response_format: Dict | None = None,
skip_serializing: bool = False) ‑> List-
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def get_data(self, data_url: str, response_format: Optional[Dict] = None, skip_serializing: bool = False) -> List: """ Retrieve the data for a request Args: data_url (str): The URL for the data of a request, response_format (Dict): The response format to send as post data, defaults to None skip_serializing (bool): Skip any object serializing, defaults to False Raises: pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXDataRetrievalError: Error retrieving data Returns: the data for this request """ return func_get_data(self.__aurorax_obj, data_url, response_format, skip_serializing)
Retrieve the data for a request
- The URL for the data of a request,
- The response format to send as post data, defaults to None
- Skip any object serializing, defaults to False
- Error retrieving data
the data for this request
def get_logs(self, request_url: str) ‑> List
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def get_logs(self, request_url: str) -> List: """ Retrieve the logs for a request Args: request_url (str): The URL of the request information Returns: The log messages for the request """ return func_get_logs(self.__aurorax_obj, request_url)
Retrieve the logs for a request
- The URL of the request information
The log messages for the request
def get_status(self, request_url: str) ‑> Dict
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def get_status(self, request_url: str) -> Dict: """ Retrieve the status of a request Args: request_url (str): The URL of the request information Returns: The status information for the request """ return func_get_status(self.__aurorax_obj, request_url)
Retrieve the status of a request
- The URL of the request information
The status information for the request
def list(self,
search_type: Literal['conjunction', 'ephemeris', 'data_product'] | None = None,
active: bool | None = None,
start: datetime.datetime | None = None,
end: datetime.datetime | None = None,
file_size: int | None = None,
result_count: int | None = None,
query_duration: int | None = None,
error_condition: bool | None = None) ‑> List-
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def list(self, search_type: Optional[Literal["conjunction", "ephemeris", "data_product"]] = None, active: Optional[bool] = None, start: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, end: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, file_size: Optional[int] = None, result_count: Optional[int] = None, query_duration: Optional[int] = None, error_condition: Optional[bool] = None) -> List: """ Retrieve a list of search requests matching certain criteria. Administrators only. Args: search_type (str): The type of search request, valid values are 'conjunction', 'ephemeris', or 'data_product'. Exclusion of value will return all search requests of any type, defaults to None active (bool): Return searches that are currently active or not, exclude for both, defaults to None start (datetime.datetime): Start timestamp for narrowing down search timeframes, defaults to None end (datetime.datetime): End timestamp for narrowing down search timeframes, defaults to None file_size (int): Filter by result file size, measured in KB, defaults to None result_count (int): Filter by result count, defaults to None query_duration (int): Filter by query duration, measured in milliseconds, defaults to None error_condition (bool): Filter by if an error occurred or not, exclude for both, defaults to None Returns: List of matching search requests Raises: ValueError: Unsupported search type pyaurorax.exceptions.AuroraXUnauthorizedError: Invalid API key for this operation """ return func_list(self.__aurorax_obj, search_type, active, start, end, file_size, result_count, query_duration, error_condition)
Retrieve a list of search requests matching certain criteria. Administrators only.
- The type of search request, valid values are 'conjunction', 'ephemeris', or 'data_product'. Exclusion of value will return all search requests of any type, defaults to None
- Return searches that are currently active or not, exclude for both, defaults to None
- Start timestamp for narrowing down search timeframes, defaults to None
- End timestamp for narrowing down search timeframes, defaults to None
- Filter by result file size, measured in KB, defaults to None
- Filter by result count, defaults to None
- Filter by query duration, measured in milliseconds, defaults to None
- Filter by if an error occurred or not, exclude for both, defaults to None
List of matching search requests
- Unsupported search type
- Invalid API key for this operation
def wait_for_data(self, request_url: str, poll_interval: float = 1.0, verbose: bool = False) ‑> Dict
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def wait_for_data(self, request_url: str, poll_interval: float = __STANDARD_POLLING_SLEEP_TIME, verbose: bool = False) -> Dict: """ Block and wait for the data to be made available for a request Args: request_url (str): The URL of the request information poll_interval (float): Seconds to wait between polling calls, defaults to 1 second verbose (bool): Output poll times and other progress messages, defaults to False Returns: the status information for the request """ return func_wait_for_data(self.__aurorax_obj, request_url, poll_interval, verbose)
Block and wait for the data to be made available for a request
- The URL of the request information
- Seconds to wait between polling calls, defaults to 1 second
- Output poll times and other progress messages, defaults to False
the status information for the request