Work with spectrograph data.
def plot(spect_data:,
timestamp: datetime.datetime | List[datetime.datetime],
spect_loc: int | List[int],
title: str | None = None,
figsize: Tuple[int, int] | None = None,
color: str | None = None,
ylog: bool = False,
xlabel: str = 'Wavelength (nm)',
ylabel: str = 'Intensity (R/nm)',
ylim: Tuple[int, int] | None = None,
xlim: Tuple[int, int] | None = None,
plot_line: float | List[float] | None = None,
plot_line_color: str | List[str] | None = None,
returnfig: bool = False,
savefig: bool = False,
savefig_filename: str | None = None,
savefig_quality: int | None = None) ‑> Any-
Expand source code
def plot(spect_data: Data, timestamp: Union[datetime.datetime, List[ datetime.datetime, ]], spect_loc: Union[int, List[int]], title: Optional[str] = None, figsize: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, color: Optional[str] = None, ylog: bool = False, xlabel: str = "Wavelength (nm)", ylabel: str = "Intensity (R/nm)", ylim: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, xlim: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, plot_line: Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None, plot_line_color: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, returnfig: bool = False, savefig: bool = False, savefig_filename: Optional[str] = None, savefig_quality: Optional[int] = None) -> Any: """ Generate a plot of one or more spectra from spectrograph data. Either display it (default behaviour), save it to disk (using the `savefig` parameter), or return the matplotlib plot object for further usage (using the `returnfig` parameter). Args: spect_data ( The data object containing spectrograph data. timestamp (datetime.datetime): A timestamp or list of timestamps for which to plot spectra from. spect_loc (int): An int or list of ints giving the spectrograph spatial bin indices to plot. title (str): The title to display above the plotted spectra. figsize (tuple): The matplotlib figure size to use when plotting. For example `figsize=(14,4)`. color (str): A string or list of strings giving the matplotlib color names to use for plotting spectra. xlabel (str): The x-axis label to use. Default is `Wavelength (nm)`. ylabel (str): The y-axis label to use. Default is 'Intensity (Rayleighs)'. ylim (Tuple[int]): The min and max values to display on the y-axis, in units of Rayleighs/nm. xlim (Tuple[int]): The min and max values to display on the x-axis, in units of nm. plot_line (float): A float, or list of floats, giving wavelengths at which to plot a vertical line, useful for comparing to known emission wavelengths (e.g. 557.7). plot_line_color (str): A string or list of strings giving the colors to use for plotting lines specified by 'plot_lines'. returnfig (bool): Instead of displaying the image, return the matplotlib figure object. This allows for further plot manipulation, for example, adding labels or a title in a different location than the default. Remember - if this parameter is supplied, be sure that you close your plot after finishing work with it. This can be achieved by doing `plt.close(fig)`. Note that this method cannot be used in combination with `savefig`. savefig (bool): Save the displayed image to disk instead of displaying it. The parameter savefig_filename is required if this parameter is set to True. Defaults to `False`. savefig_filename (str): Filename to save the image to. Must be specified if the savefig parameter is set to True. savefig_quality (int): Quality level of the saved image. This can be specified if the savefig_filename is a JPG image. If it is a PNG, quality is ignored. Default quality level for JPGs is matplotlib/Pillow's default of 75%. Returns: The displayed spectra, by default. If `savefig` is set to True, nothing will be returned. If `returnfig` is set to True, the plotting variables `(fig, ax)` will be returned. Raises: ValueError: Issues with the y-axis choice. """ # check return mode if (returnfig is True and savefig is True): raise ValueError("Only one of returnfig or savefig can be set to True") if (returnfig is True and (savefig_filename is not None or savefig_quality is not None)): warnings.warn("The figure will be returned, but a savefig option parameter was supplied. Consider " + "removing the savefig option parameter(s) as they will be ignored.", stacklevel=1) elif (savefig is False and (savefig_filename is not None or savefig_quality is not None)): warnings.warn("A savefig option parameter was supplied, but the savefig parameter is False. The " + "savefig option parameters will be ignored.", stacklevel=1) # init figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_axes((0, 0, 1, 1)) # Convert plot lines to list if required if plot_line is not None: if not isinstance(plot_line, list): plot_line = [plot_line] # Convert plot line colors to list if required if plot_line_color is not None: if not isinstance(plot_line_color, list): plot_line_color = [plot_line_color] else: # default plot lines to gray plot_line_color = [] if plot_line is not None: for _i in range(len(plot_line)): plot_line_color = 'gray' # Plot the requested lines if any if plot_line is not None: for i, line in enumerate(plot_line): ax.plot([line, line], [-5000.0, 5000000.0], color=plot_line_color[i], linestyle='--') # Set up color cycle color_cycle = itertools.cycle(color) if isinstance(color, list) else itertools.cycle([color]) # Convert input timestamps to list if required if not isinstance(timestamp, list): timestamp = [timestamp] # Convert input spatial bins to list if required if not isinstance(spect_loc, list): spect_loc = [spect_loc] # Automatically generate a default title, as # well as default legend labels to use auto_title = (f"{spect_data.metadata[0]['site_uid'].decode('utf-8').upper()} - " f"{timestamp[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} UTC (Spatial Bin {spect_loc[0]})") auto_legend = [None] if len(timestamp) != len(spect_loc): if (len(timestamp) != 1) and (len(spect_loc) != 1): raise ValueError("Inputs 'timestamp' and 'spect_loc' must have the same number of elements (or one must be of length 1).") elif (len(timestamp) > 1): single_spect_loc = spect_loc[0] spect_loc = [] for _i in range(len(timestamp)): spect_loc.append(single_spect_loc) auto_title = f"{spect_data.metadata[0]['site_uid'].decode('utf-8').upper()} - Spatial Bin {spect_loc[0]}" auto_legend = [] for i in range(len(timestamp)): auto_legend.append(f"{timestamp[i].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} UTC") elif (len(spect_loc) > 1): single_timestamp = timestamp[0] timestamp = [] for _i in range(len(spect_loc)): timestamp.append(single_timestamp) auto_title = f"{spect_data.metadata[0]['site_uid'].decode('utf-8').upper()} - {timestamp[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} UTC" auto_legend = [] for i in range(len(timestamp)): auto_legend.append(f"spatial bin {spect_loc[i]}") else: auto_title = f"{spect_data.metadata[0]['site_uid'].decode('utf-8').upper()} Spectrograph" auto_legend = [] for _i in range(len(timestamp)): auto_legend.append(f"{timestamp[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} UTC (spatial bin {spect_loc[0]})") # Extract spectrograph data from Data object spectra = spect_data_timestamps = np.array(spect_data.timestamp) metadata = spect_data.metadata wavelength = spect_data.metadata[0]['wavelength'] # Initialize max intensity to zero. This will be used # to dynamically determine plotting range max_intensity = 0.0 # Iterate through all requested spectra for i in range(len(timestamp)): spectra_color = next(color_cycle) # Get the spect spatial bin index and timestamp idx ts = timestamp[i] spect_idx = spect_loc[i] epoch_idx = (np.where(spect_data_timestamps == ts))[0] # Check for issues with supplied location / time if len(epoch_idx) == 0: raise ValueError(f"Input does not contain data for requested timestamp: {ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}.") if len(epoch_idx) > 1: raise ValueError(f"Input contains multiple data points for requested timestamp: {ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}.") # Get the wavelength array wavelength = metadata[epoch_idx[0]]['wavelength'] # Slice out the spectrum of interest spectrum = spectra[:, spect_idx, epoch_idx] if ylog: spectrum[np.where(spectrum < 0)] = 0 # Add this spectrum to the plot plt.plot(wavelength, spectrum, label=auto_legend[i], color=spectra_color) # Update max intensity if np.max(spectrum) > max_intensity: max_intensity = np.max(spectrum) # Add legend if more than one spectrum is plotted if auto_legend[0] is not None: ax.legend() # Set the title if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) else: ax.set_title(auto_title) # Set x and y labels ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) # Set x-limits, by default to wavelength range if xlim is None: ax.set_xlim(min(wavelength), max(wavelength)) else: ax.set_xlim(xlim) # Set y-limit, by default 1.2 times max spectrum data if ylim is None: if ylog: ax.set_ylim(1.0, max_intensity * 2.0) else: ax.set_ylim(0.0, max_intensity * 1.2) else: ax.set_ylim(ylim) if ylog: ax.set_yscale('log', base=10) # save figure or show it if (savefig is True): # check that filename has been set if (savefig_filename is None): raise ValueError("The savefig_filename parameter is missing, but required since savefig was set to True.") # save the figure f_extension = os.path.splitext(savefig_filename)[-1].lower() if (".jpg" == f_extension or ".jpeg" == f_extension): # check quality setting if (savefig_quality is not None): plt.savefig(savefig_filename, quality=savefig_quality, bbox_inches="tight") else: plt.savefig(savefig_filename, bbox_inches="tight") else: if (savefig_quality is not None): # quality specified, but output filename is not a JPG, so show a warning warnings.warn("The savefig_quality parameter was specified, but is only used for saving JPG files. The " + "savefig_filename parameter was determined to not be a JPG file, so the quality will be ignored", stacklevel=1) plt.savefig(savefig_filename, bbox_inches="tight") # clean up by closing the figure plt.close(fig) elif (returnfig is True): # return the figure and axis objects return (fig, ax) else: # show the figure # cleanup by closing the figure plt.close(fig) # return return None
Generate a plot of one or more spectra from spectrograph data.
Either display it (default behaviour), save it to disk (using the
parameter), or return the matplotlib plot object for further usage (using thereturnfig
- The data object containing spectrograph data.
- A timestamp or list of timestamps for which to plot spectra from.
- An int or list of ints giving the spectrograph spatial bin indices to plot.
- The title to display above the plotted spectra.
- The matplotlib figure size to use when plotting. For example
. color
- A string or list of strings giving the matplotlib color names to use for plotting spectra.
- The x-axis label to use. Default is
Wavelength (nm)
. ylabel
- The y-axis label to use. Default is 'Intensity (Rayleighs)'.
- The min and max values to display on the y-axis, in units of Rayleighs/nm.
- The min and max values to display on the x-axis, in units of nm.
- A float, or list of floats, giving wavelengths at which to plot a vertical line, useful for comparing to known emission wavelengths (e.g. 557.7).
- A string or list of strings giving the colors to use for plotting lines specified by 'plot_lines'.
Instead of displaying the image, return the matplotlib figure object. This allows for further plot manipulation, for example, adding labels or a title in a different location than the default.
Remember - if this parameter is supplied, be sure that you close your plot after finishing work with it. This can be achieved by doing
.Note that this method cannot be used in combination with
. savefig
- Save the displayed image to disk instead of displaying it. The parameter savefig_filename is required if
this parameter is set to True. Defaults to
. savefig_filename
- Filename to save the image to. Must be specified if the savefig parameter is set to True.
- Quality level of the saved image. This can be specified if the savefig_filename is a JPG image. If it is a PNG, quality is ignored. Default quality level for JPGs is matplotlib/Pillow's default of 75%.
The displayed spectra, by default. If
is set to True, nothing will be returned. Ifreturnfig
is set to True, the plotting variables(fig, ax)
will be returned.Raises
- Issues with the y-axis choice.