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PyAuroraX and IDL-AuroraX libraries require developers to do a few steps to install the code. Below, we'll go over those steps. You can also find this information on the README pages for each respective code repository on Github.


You can install PyAuroraX using pip, and import it like so:

$ pip install pyaurorax
$ python
>>> import pyaurorax

More installation details can be found on the readme of the code repository on Github.


Since IDL 8.7.1, there exists an IDL package manager called ipm. We can use this to install the IDL-AuroraX library with a single command.

This is the recommended way of installing the IDL-AuroraX library, but, refer to the Github repository README file for additional installation methods.

  1. From the IDL command prompt, run the following:

    IDL> ipm,/install,''
  2. Add the following to your startup file, or run the command manually using the IDL command prompt:

    [ open your file and put the following in it ]
    .run aurorax_startup
  3. Reset your IDL session by either clicking the Reset button in the IDL editor or by typing .reset into the IDL command prompt.

For further information, you can view what packages are installed using ipm,/list. You can also view the package details using ipm,/query,'idl-aurorax'.