Prepare data and create mosaics.
def create(prepped_data: MosaicData | List[MosaicData],
prepped_skymap: MosaicSkymap | List[MosaicSkymap],
timestamp: datetime.datetime,
min_elevation: int | List[int] = 5,
colormap: str | List[str] | None = None,
spect_colormap: str | List[str] | None = None,
image_intensity_scales: List | Dict | None = None,
spect_intensity_scales: Tuple[int, int] | None = None) ‑> Mosaic-
Expand source code
def create(prepped_data: Union[MosaicData, List[MosaicData]], prepped_skymap: Union[MosaicSkymap, List[MosaicSkymap]], timestamp: datetime.datetime, cartopy_projection:, min_elevation: Union[int, List[int]] = 5, colormap: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, spect_colormap: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, image_intensity_scales: Optional[Union[List, Dict]] = None, spect_intensity_scales: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None) -> Mosaic: """ Create a mosaic object. Args: prepped_data ( The prepared mosaic data. Generated from a prior `prep_images()` function call. prepped_skymap ( The prepared skymap data. Generated from a prior `prep_skymaps()` function call. timestamp (datetime.datetime): The timestamp to generate a mosaic for. Must be within the range of timestamps for which image data was prepped and provided. cartopy_projection ( The cartopy projection to use when creating the mosaic. min_elevation (int): The minimum elevation cutoff when projecting images on the map, in degrees. Default is `5`. colormap (str): The matplotlib colormap to use for the rendered image data. Default is `gray`. Commonly used colormaps are: - REGO: `gist_heat` - THEMIS ASI: `gray` - TREx Blue: `Blues_r` - TREx NIR: `gray` - TREx RGB: `None` A list of all available colormaps can be found on the [matplotlib documentation]( spect_cmap (str): The matplotlib colormap to use for the colorbar if working with spectrograph data. Default is `gnuplot`. image_intensity_scaled (List or Dict): Ranges for scaling images. Either a a list with 2 elements which will scale all sites with the same range, or as a dictionary which can be used for scaling each site differently. Example of uniform scaling across all sites: `image_intensity_scales = [2000, 8000]` Example of scaling each site differently: `image_intensity_scales = {"fsmi": [1000, 10000], "gill": [2000, 8000]}` spect_intensity_scaled (Tuple[int]): Min and max values, in Rayleighs, to scale ALL spectrograph data. Returns: The generated `` object. Raises: ValueError: issues with supplied parameters. """ # init coordinates transformer # # To convert from geodetic coordinates onto the map projection, we use pyproj instead # of cartopy's native transformations. This is an optimization. pyproj_src_proj = pyproj.CRS.from_user_input( pyproj_des_proj = pyproj.CRS.from_user_input(cartopy_projection) transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(pyproj_src_proj, pyproj_des_proj, always_xy=True) # Convert data, skymaps, colormap indicators to lists for iteration purposed if not isinstance(prepped_data, list): prepped_data = [prepped_data] if not isinstance(prepped_skymap, list): prepped_skymap = [prepped_skymap] if not isinstance(colormap, list): if colormap is None: colormap = [] for _ in range(len(prepped_data)): colormap.append('gray') else: colormap = [colormap] if not isinstance(min_elevation, list): tmp = [] for _ in range(len(prepped_data)): tmp.append(min_elevation) min_elevation = tmp if spect_intensity_scales is None: spect_intensity_scales = (__DEFAULT_SPECT_SCALE_MIN, __DEFAULT_SPECT_SCALE_MAX) # Make sure all lists are same length if (len(prepped_data) != len(prepped_skymap)): raise ValueError("When passing lists of prepped data and prepped skymap, they must be of the same length.") if (len(prepped_data) != len(colormap)) or (len(prepped_skymap) != len(colormap)): raise ValueError("List of colormaps must have same length as lists of prepped data and prepped skymaps.") # Itarate through each set of prepped data, prepped skymap img_poly_list = [] any_spect_data = False for mosaic_data_idx in range(len(prepped_data)): data = prepped_data[mosaic_data_idx] skymap = prepped_skymap[mosaic_data_idx] iter_cmap = colormap[mosaic_data_idx] min_el = min_elevation[mosaic_data_idx] if spect_colormap is None: iter_spect_cmap = 'gnuplot2' else: iter_spect_cmap = spect_colormap if isinstance(iter_spect_cmap, list): iter_spect_cmap = iter_spect_cmap[0] # get sites site_list = data.site_uid_list # set image intensity scales if (image_intensity_scales is None): # defaults to scaling all sites between 0-20000 image_intensity_scales = {} for site_uid in skymap.site_uid_list: image_intensity_scales[site_uid] = [__DEFAULT_SCALE_MIN, __DEFAULT_SCALE_MAX] elif (isinstance(image_intensity_scales, list) is True): image_intensity_scales_dict = {} for site_uid in site_list: image_intensity_scales_dict[site_uid] = image_intensity_scales image_intensity_scales = image_intensity_scales_dict elif (isinstance(image_intensity_scales, dict) is True): # no action needed pass else: raise ValueError("Invalid image_intensity_scales format. Please refer to the documentation for this function.") # We need a numpy array of the sites requested, that will be used to make sure any sites # that don't have data for the requested frame are not plotted. Also empty dict for images.. site_list_arr = np.array(site_list) # all_images = np.zeros([len(site_list), width * height, __N_CHANNELS], dtype=np.int32) all_images = {} # Grab the elevation, and filling lats/lons elev = skymap.elevation polyfill_lon = skymap.polyfill_lon polyfill_lat = skymap.polyfill_lat # Now we begin to fill in the above arrays, one site at a time. Before doing so # we need lists to keep track of which sites actually have data for this frame. sites_with_data = [] sites_with_data_idx = [] datatypes_with_data = [] # Determine the frame index of data the corresponds to the requested timestamp minimum_timestamp = (np.array(data.timestamps))[np.argmin(np.array(data.timestamps))] maximum_timestamp = (np.array(data.timestamps))[np.argmax(np.array(data.timestamps))] if timestamp < minimum_timestamp or timestamp > maximum_timestamp: raise ValueError("Could not create mosaic for timestamp" + timestamp.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") + " as image data was only supplied for the timestamp range: " + minimum_timestamp.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") + " to " + maximum_timestamp.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")) # Get the frame index of the timestamp closest to desired mosaic frame frame_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(np.array(data.timestamps) - timestamp)) # We also define a list that will hold all unique timestamps pulled from each # frame's metadata. This should be of length 1, and we can check that to make # sure all images being plotted correspond to the same time. unique_timestamps = [] n_channels_dict = {} for idx_for_dataype, site in enumerate(site_list): # set image dimensions height = data.images_dimensions[site][0] width = data.images_dimensions[site][1] # Grab the timestamp for this frame/site meta_timestamp = data.timestamps[frame_idx] # Determine whether current image is single or multi-channel, and add to dictionary for reference if len(data.images[site].shape) == 4: n_channels = data.images[site].shape[2] else: n_channels = 1 n_channels_dict[site] = n_channels # Now, obtain the frame of interest, for this site, from the image data and flatten it if data.data_types[idx_for_dataype] == 'spect': any_spect_data = True rayleighs = data.images[site][:, frame_idx] flattened_rayleighs = np.reshape(rayleighs, height) tmp = flattened_rayleighs if (np.sum(tmp) == 0.0): # If it's sum is zero, we know there is no data so we can simply continue. continue # Scale this site's data based on previously defined scaling bounds tmp = scale_intensity( tmp, min=spect_intensity_scales[0], # type: ignore max=spect_intensity_scales[1], # type: ignore top=255, memory_saver=False, ) else: if n_channels == 1: img = data.images[site][:, :, frame_idx] flattened_img = np.reshape(img, (width * height)) else: img = data.images[site][:, :, :, frame_idx] flattened_img = np.reshape(img, (width * height, n_channels)) tmp = flattened_img if (np.sum(tmp) == 0.0): # If it's sum is zero, we know there is no data so we can simply continue. continue # Scale this site's data based on previously defined scaling bounds tmp = scale_intensity( tmp, min=image_intensity_scales[site][0], # type: ignore max=image_intensity_scales[site][1], # type: ignore top=255, memory_saver=False, ) # Add the timestamp to tracking list if it's unique if meta_timestamp not in unique_timestamps: unique_timestamps.append(meta_timestamp) # Append sites to respective lists, and add image data to master list datatypes_with_data.append(data.data_types[idx_for_dataype]) sites_with_data.append(site) sites_with_data_idx.append(np.where(site_list_arr == site)[0][0]) all_images[site] = tmp.astype(np.int32) # This checks to make sure all images have the same timestamps if len(unique_timestamps) != 1: raise Exception("Error: Images have different timestamps.") # Create empty lists for tracking the pixel polygons and their values lon_list = [] lat_list = [] cmap_vals = [] # Set up elevation increment for plotting. We start at the min elevation # and plot groups of elevations until reaching 90 deg. elev_delta = 0.1 el = min_el # Iterate through all elevation ranges - Always do ASI data first ! while el < 90: # Only iterate through the sites that actually have data for site_id, site_idx in zip(sites_with_data, sites_with_data_idx): # Skip spectrograph data for now as that should always be plotted last if datatypes_with_data[site_idx] == 'spect': continue if spect_colormap is None: spect_colormap = iter_spect_cmap # Get this sites number of channels n_channels = n_channels_dict[site_id] # Get all pixels within current elevation threshold el_idx = np.nonzero(np.logical_and(elev[site_idx] > el, elev[site_idx] <= el + elev_delta))[0] if len(el_idx) == 0: continue # Grab this level's filling lat/lons el_lvl_fill_lats = polyfill_lat[site_idx][:, el_idx] el_lvl_fill_lons = polyfill_lon[site_idx][:, el_idx] # Grab this level's data values if n_channels == 1: el_lvl_cmap_vals = all_images[site_id][el_idx] else: el_lvl_cmap_vals = all_images[site_id][el_idx, :] # # Mask any nans that may have slipped through - done as a precaution nan_mask = ~np.isnan(el_lvl_fill_lats).any(axis=0) & ~np.isnan(el_lvl_fill_lons).any(axis=0) el_lvl_fill_lats = el_lvl_fill_lats[:, nan_mask] el_lvl_fill_lons = el_lvl_fill_lons[:, nan_mask] if n_channels == 1: el_lvl_cmap_vals = el_lvl_cmap_vals[nan_mask] else: el_lvl_cmap_vals = el_lvl_cmap_vals[nan_mask, :] # Convert pixel values to a normalized float el_lvl_colors = el_lvl_cmap_vals.astype(np.float32) / 255.0 # Append polygon lat/lons and values to master lists if n_channels == 1: cmap = plt.get_cmap(iter_cmap) for k in range(len(el_lvl_fill_lats[0, :])): lon_list.append(el_lvl_fill_lons[:, k]) lat_list.append(el_lvl_fill_lats[:, k]) cmap_vals.append(cmap(el_lvl_colors[k])) else: for k in range(len(el_lvl_fill_lats[0, :])): lon_list.append(el_lvl_fill_lons[:, k]) lat_list.append(el_lvl_fill_lats[:, k]) cmap_vals.append(el_lvl_colors[k, :]) el += elev_delta # Repeat the above, but for spectrograph data now el = min_el while el < 90: # Only iterate through the sites that actually have data for site_id, site_idx in zip(sites_with_data, sites_with_data_idx): # Skip spectrograph data for now as that should always be plotted last if datatypes_with_data[site_idx] != 'spect': continue # Get this sites number of channels n_channels = n_channels_dict[site_id] # Get all pixels within current elevation threshold el_idx = np.nonzero(np.logical_and(elev[site_idx] > el, elev[site_idx] <= el + elev_delta))[0] if len(el_idx) == 0: continue # Grab this level's filling lat/lons el_lvl_fill_lats = polyfill_lat[site_idx][:, el_idx] el_lvl_fill_lons = polyfill_lon[site_idx][:, el_idx] # Grab this level's data values if n_channels == 1: el_lvl_cmap_vals = all_images[site_id][el_idx] else: el_lvl_cmap_vals = all_images[site_id][el_idx, :] # # Mask any nans that may have slipped through - done as a precaution nan_mask = ~np.isnan(el_lvl_fill_lats).any(axis=0) & ~np.isnan(el_lvl_fill_lons).any(axis=0) el_lvl_fill_lats = el_lvl_fill_lats[:, nan_mask] el_lvl_fill_lons = el_lvl_fill_lons[:, nan_mask] if n_channels == 1: el_lvl_cmap_vals = el_lvl_cmap_vals[nan_mask] else: el_lvl_cmap_vals = el_lvl_cmap_vals[nan_mask, :] # Convert pixel values to a normalized float el_lvl_colors = el_lvl_cmap_vals.astype(np.float32) / 255.0 # Append polygon lat/lons and values to master lists if n_channels == 1: cmap = plt.get_cmap(iter_spect_cmap) for k in range(len(el_lvl_fill_lats[0, :])): lon_list.append(el_lvl_fill_lons[:, k]) lat_list.append(el_lvl_fill_lats[:, k]) cmap_vals.append(cmap(el_lvl_colors[k])) else: for k in range(len(el_lvl_fill_lats[0, :])): lon_list.append(el_lvl_fill_lons[:, k]) lat_list.append(el_lvl_fill_lats[:, k]) cmap_vals.append(el_lvl_colors[k, :]) el += elev_delta # Use our transformer object to convert the lat/lon polygons into projection coordinates. lons, lats = transformer.transform(np.array(lon_list), np.array(lat_list)) # Format polygons for creation of PolyCollection object lonlat_polygons = np.empty((lons.shape[0], 5, 2)) lonlat_polygons[:, :, 0] = lons lonlat_polygons[:, :, 1] = lats # generate a PolyCollection object, containing all of the Polygons shaded with # their corresponding RGB value img_data_poly = matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection( lonlat_polygons, # type: ignore facecolors=cmap_vals, array=None, clim=[0.0, 1.0], edgecolors="face", ) img_poly_list.append(img_data_poly) if isinstance(spect_colormap, list): spect_colormap = spect_colormap[0] # cast into mosaic object if any_spect_data: if len(img_poly_list) == 1: mosaic = Mosaic(polygon_data=img_poly_list[0], cartopy_projection=cartopy_projection, spect_cmap=spect_colormap, spect_intensity_scale=spect_intensity_scales) else: mosaic = Mosaic(polygon_data=img_poly_list, cartopy_projection=cartopy_projection, spect_cmap=spect_colormap, spect_intensity_scale=spect_intensity_scales) else: if len(img_poly_list) == 1: mosaic = Mosaic(polygon_data=img_poly_list[0], cartopy_projection=cartopy_projection) else: mosaic = Mosaic(polygon_data=img_poly_list, cartopy_projection=cartopy_projection) # return return mosaic
Create a mosaic object.
- The prepared mosaic data. Generated from a prior
function call. prepped_skymap
- The prepared skymap data. Generated from a prior
function call. timestamp
- The timestamp to generate a mosaic for. Must be within the range of timestamps for which image data was prepped and provided.
- The cartopy projection to use when creating the mosaic.
- The minimum elevation cutoff when projecting images on the map, in degrees. Default is
. colormap
The matplotlib colormap to use for the rendered image data. Default is
.Commonly used colormaps are:
- TREx Blue:
A list of all available colormaps can be found on the matplotlib documentation.
- The matplotlib colormap to use for the colorbar if working with spectrograph
data. Default is
. image_intensity_scaled
Ranges for scaling images. Either a a list with 2 elements which will scale all sites with the same range, or as a dictionary which can be used for scaling each site differently.
Example of uniform scaling across all sites:
image_intensity_scales = [2000, 8000]
Example of scaling each site differently:
image_intensity_scales = {"fsmi": [1000, 10000], "gill": [2000, 8000]}
- Min and max values, in Rayleighs, to scale ALL spectrograph data.
The generated
- issues with supplied parameters.
def prep_images(image_list: List[],
data_attribute: Literal['data', 'calibrated_data'] = 'data',
spect_emission: Literal['green', 'red', 'blue', 'hbeta'] = 'green',
spect_band: Tuple[float, float] | None = None,
spect_band_bg: Tuple[float, float] | None = None) ‑> MosaicData-
Expand source code
def prep_images(image_list: List[Data], data_attribute: Literal["data", "calibrated_data"] = "data", spect_emission: Literal["green", "red", "blue", "hbeta"] = "green", spect_band: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, spect_band_bg: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None) -> MosaicData: """ Prepare the image data for use in a mosaic. Args: image_list (List[]): List of image data. Each element of the list is the data for each site. data_attribute (str): The data attribute to use when prepping the images. Either `data` or `calibrated_data`. Default is `data`. spect_emission (str): The emission (green, red, blue, hbeta) to prepare from spectrograph data. Default is 'green' (557.7 nm emission). spect_band (Tuple[float]): Manual selection of the wavelength region to integrate for obtaining emissions. Use this to prepare emissions that are not available in spect_emission. spect_band_bg (Tuple[float]): Manual selection of the wavelength region to subtract from integration for manually chosen emissions, via the spect_band argument. Returns: The prepared data, as a `` object. Raises: ValueError: issues encountered with supplied parameters. """ # set image dimensions and number of sites if (data_attribute == "data"): # check that the timestamp and calibrated data match in size for i in range(0, len(image_list)): if (image_list[i].data.shape[-1] != len(image_list[i].timestamp)): raise ValueError(("Number of frames does not match number of timestamp records. There are %d timestamp " + "records, and %d images for list index %d") % ( len(image_list[i].timestamp), image_list[i].data.shape[-1], i, )) elif (data_attribute == "calibrated_data"): # check that the timestamp and calibrated data match in size for i in range(0, len(image_list)): if (image_list[i].calibrated_data.shape[-1] != len(image_list[i].timestamp)): raise ValueError(("Number of frames does not match number of timestamp records. There are %d timestamp " + "records, and %d images for list index %d") % ( len(image_list[i].timestamp), image_list[i].calibrated_data.shape[-1], i, )) else: raise ValueError("Invalid 'data_attribute' parameter. Must be either 'data' or 'calibrated_data'.") # Determine integration bounds for spectrograph data wavelength_range = { 'green': [557.0 - 1.5, 557.0 + 1.5], 'red': [630.0 - 1.5, 630.0 + 1.5], 'blue': [427.8 - 3.0, 427.8 + 0.5], 'hbeta': [486.1 - 1.5, 486.1 + 1.5] }[spect_emission] wavelength_bg_range = { 'green': [552.0 - 1.5, 552.0 + 1.5], 'red': [625.0 - 1.5, 625.0 + 1.5], 'blue': [430.0 - 1.0, 430.0 + 1.0], 'hbeta': [480.0 - 1.0, 480.0 + 1.0] }[spect_emission] # Check if manual integration bands were supplied if spect_band is not None: wavelength_range = spect_band if spect_band_bg is None: warnings.warn( "Wavelength band supplied without background band. No background subtraction will be performed.", stacklevel=1, ) wavelength_bg_range = None else: wavelength_bg_range = spect_band_bg # determine the number of expected frames # # NOTE: this is done to ensure that the eventual image arrays are all the # same size, and we adequately account for dropped frames. # # Steps: # 1) finding the over-arching start and end times of data across all sites # 2) determine the cadence using the timestamps # 3) determine the number of expected frames using the cadence, start and end # start_dt = image_list[0].timestamp[0] end_dt = image_list[0].timestamp[-1] for site_data in image_list: this_start_dt = site_data.timestamp[0] this_end_dt = site_data.timestamp[-1] if (this_start_dt < start_dt): start_dt = this_start_dt if (this_end_dt > end_dt): end_dt = this_end_dt cadence = __determine_cadence(image_list[0].timestamp) curr_dt = start_dt.replace(microsecond=0) expected_num_frames = 0 expected_timestamps = [] while (curr_dt <= end_dt): expected_timestamps.append(curr_dt) expected_num_frames += 1 curr_dt += datetime.timedelta(seconds=cadence) # for each site data_type_list = [] site_uid_list = [] images_dict = {} for site_image_data in image_list: if (data_attribute == "data"): site_data = elif (data_attribute == "calibrated_data"): site_data = site_image_data.calibrated_data if site_image_data.dataset is None: warnings.warn( "Skipping data objects with missing datasets.", stacklevel=1, ) continue # set image dimensions if 'SPECT' in height = site_data.shape[1] width = 1 else: height = site_data.shape[0] width = site_data.shape[1] # Determine number of channels of image data if len(site_data.shape) == 4: n_channels = site_data.shape[2] else: n_channels = 1 int_w = None int_bg_w = None wavelength = None if 'SPECT' in n_channels = 1 current_data_type = 'spect' data_type_list.append(current_data_type) # Extract wavelength from metadata, and get integration indices wavelength = site_image_data.metadata[0]['wavelength'] int_w = np.where((wavelength >= wavelength_range[0]) & (wavelength <= wavelength_range[1])) if wavelength_bg_range is not None: int_bg_w = np.where((wavelength >= wavelength_bg_range[0]) & (wavelength <= wavelength_bg_range[1])) else: current_data_type = 'asi' data_type_list.append(current_data_type) # add to site uid list - must use try as metadata differs between networks try: site_uid = site_image_data.metadata[0]["site_unique_id"] except KeyError: try: site_uid = site_image_data.metadata[0]["Site unique ID"] except KeyError: try: site_uid = site_image_data.metadata[0]["site_uid"].decode('utf-8') except KeyError as e: raise KeyError("Unable to find site UID in Metadata") from e # We don't attempt to handle the same site being passed in for multiple networks if site_uid in images_dict.keys(): d_keys = np.array(list(images_dict.keys())) if data_type_list[np.where(d_keys == site_uid)[0][0]] != current_data_type: site_uid = site_uid + '_' + current_data_type else: warnings.warn( "Same site between differing networks detected. Omitting additional '%s' data" % (site_uid), stacklevel=1, ) continue site_uid_list.append(site_uid) # initialize this site's data destination variables images_dict[site_uid] = np.squeeze(np.full((height, width, n_channels, expected_num_frames), np.nan)) # use binary search to find the index in the data corresponding to each # expected timestamp (we assume it is already sorted) for i in range(0, len(expected_timestamps)): searching_dt = expected_timestamps[i] found_idx = None low = 0 high = len(site_image_data.timestamp) - 1 while (low <= high): mid = low + (high - low) // 2 this_ts = site_image_data.timestamp[mid].replace(microsecond=0) if (this_ts == searching_dt): found_idx = mid break elif (this_ts > searching_dt): high = mid - 1 else: low = mid + 1 if (found_idx is None): # didn't find the timestamp, just move on because there will be no data # for this timestamp continue else: # found data for this timestamp if current_data_type == 'spect': # Integrate over wavelengths to get Rayleighs spectra = site_data[:, :, found_idx] if (int_w is None) or (wavelength is None) or (int_bg_w is None): wavelength = site_image_data.metadata[0]['wavelength'] int_w = np.where((wavelength >= wavelength_range[0]) & (wavelength <= wavelength_range[1])) if wavelength_bg_range is not None: int_bg_w = np.where((wavelength >= wavelength_bg_range[0]) & (wavelength <= wavelength_bg_range[1])) rayleighs = np.trapz(spectra[int_w[0], :], x=wavelength[int_w[0]], axis=0) if wavelength_bg_range is not None: if int_bg_w is not None: rayleighs -= np.trapz(spectra[int_bg_w[0], :], x=wavelength[int_bg_w[0]], axis=0) rayleighs = np.nan_to_num(rayleighs, nan=0.0) rayleighs[np.where(rayleighs < 0.0)] = 0.0 images_dict[site_uid][:, i] = rayleighs else: if n_channels != 1: images_dict[site_uid][:, :, :, i] = site_data[:, :, :, found_idx] else: images_dict[site_uid][:, :, i] = site_data[:, :, found_idx] dimensions_dict = {} for site_uid, image in images_dict.items(): dimensions_dict[site_uid] = (image.shape[0], image.shape[1]) # cast into object prepped_data = MosaicData(site_uid_list=site_uid_list, timestamps=expected_timestamps, images=images_dict, images_dimensions=dimensions_dict, data_types=data_type_list) # return return prepped_data
Prepare the image data for use in a mosaic.
- List of image data. Each element of the list is the data for each site.
- The data attribute to use when prepping the images. Either
. Default isdata
spect_emission (str): The emission (green, red, blue, hbeta) to prepare from spectrograph data. Default is 'green' (557.7 nm emission).
spect_band (Tuple[float]): Manual selection of the wavelength region to integrate for obtaining emissions. Use this to prepare emissions that are not available in spect_emission.
spect_band_bg (Tuple[float]): Manual selection of the wavelength region to subtract from integration for manually chosen emissions, via the spect_band argument.
The prepared data, as a
- issues encountered with supplied parameters.
def prep_skymaps(skymaps: List[],
height_km: int,
site_uid_order: List[str] | None = None,
progress_bar_disable: bool = False,
n_parallel: int = 1) ‑> MosaicSkymap-
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def prep_skymaps(skymaps: List[Skymap], height_km: int, site_uid_order: Optional[List[str]] = None, progress_bar_disable: bool = False, n_parallel: int = 1) -> MosaicSkymap: """ Prepare skymap data for use by the mosaic routine. This is not time-dependent, so it would only need to be done once. Allows for plotting multiple images on a map, masking the boundaries between images by elevation angle. Args: skymaps (List[]): The skymaps to prep. height_km (int): The altitude to utilize, in kilometers. site_uid_order (List[str]): The site list order. The order of this list is not important for plotting, but must be consistent with the order of the `skymaps` parameter. progress_bar_disable (bool): Disable the progress bar. Defaults to `False`. n_parallel (int): Number of skymaps to prepare in parallel using multiprocessing. Default is `1`. Returns: The prepared skymap data as a `` object. Raises: ValueError: issues encountered with supplied parameters. """ # reorder the skymap list based on the site_uid_list supplied skymaps_sorted = [] site_uid_list = [] if (site_uid_order is not None): # need to specifically order the skymaps # # NOTE: can do an optimization here, but with only a few items # ever in this list, it doesn't matter. A O(N)^2 routine is # good enough. for site_uid in site_uid_order: for skymap in skymaps: if (site_uid == skymap.site_uid): skymaps_sorted.append(skymap) site_uid_list.append(site_uid) if (len(skymaps_sorted) != len(skymaps)): raise ValueError("Number of items in supplied skymaps and site_uid_order lists do not match, or " + "some site_uids specified in the order were not found. Unable to flatten skymaps due to this mismatch.") else: site_uid_list = [x.site_uid for x in skymaps] skymaps_sorted = skymaps # define empty numpy arrays for the lats, lons, and elevation angles of all of # the sites. Also define numpy arrays for 'filling' the pixel coordinates, which # will contain polygons vertices in lat/lon. elevation = [] polyfill_lat = [] polyfill_lon = [] for skymap in skymaps_sorted: if skymap.project_uid == 'spect': elevation.append(np.zeros((skymap.full_elevation.shape[0]))) polyfill_lat.append(np.zeros((5, skymap.full_elevation.shape[0]))) polyfill_lon.append(np.zeros((5, skymap.full_elevation.shape[0]))) else: elevation.append(np.zeros((skymap.full_elevation.shape[0] * skymap.full_elevation.shape[1]))) polyfill_lat.append(np.zeros((5, skymap.full_elevation.shape[0] * skymap.full_elevation.shape[1]))) polyfill_lon.append(np.zeros((5, skymap.full_elevation.shape[0] * skymap.full_elevation.shape[1]))) # set up processing objects processing_dicts = [] for i in range(0, len(skymaps_sorted)): processing_dicts.append({ "skymap": skymaps_sorted[i], "height_km": height_km, "i": i, }) if (n_parallel == 1): # don't do anything special, just a basic loop if (progress_bar_disable is True): # no progress bar for processing_dict in processing_dicts: results_dict = __flatten_skymap(processing_dict) elevation[results_dict["i"]] = results_dict["elevation"] polyfill_lon[results_dict["i"]] = results_dict["polyfill_lon"] polyfill_lat[results_dict["i"]] = results_dict["polyfill_lat"] else: # with progress bar for processing_dict in tqdm(processing_dicts, desc="Preparing skymaps: ", unit="skymap"): results_dict = __flatten_skymap(processing_dict) elevation[results_dict["i"]] = results_dict["elevation"] polyfill_lon[results_dict["i"]] = results_dict["polyfill_lon"] polyfill_lat[results_dict["i"]] = results_dict["polyfill_lat"] else: # multiple workers, do it in a multiprocessing loop if (progress_bar_disable is True): with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=n_parallel) as executor: for results_dict in, processing_dicts): elevation[results_dict["i"]] = results_dict["elevation"] polyfill_lon[results_dict["i"]] = results_dict["polyfill_lon"] polyfill_lat[results_dict["i"]] = results_dict["polyfill_lat"] else: results_dicts = tqdm_process_map( __flatten_skymap, processing_dicts, max_workers=n_parallel, chunksize=1, desc="Preparing skymaps: ", unit="skymap", tqdm_class=tqdm, ) for results_dict in results_dicts: elevation[results_dict["i"]] = results_dict["elevation"] polyfill_lon[results_dict["i"]] = results_dict["polyfill_lon"] polyfill_lat[results_dict["i"]] = results_dict["polyfill_lat"] # cast data into object flattened_skymap = MosaicSkymap( elevation=elevation, polyfill_lat=polyfill_lat, polyfill_lon=polyfill_lon, site_uid_list=site_uid_list, ) # return return flattened_skymap
Prepare skymap data for use by the mosaic routine. This is not time-dependent, so it would only need to be done once.
Allows for plotting multiple images on a map, masking the boundaries between images by elevation angle.
- The skymaps to prep.
- The altitude to utilize, in kilometers.
- The site list order. The order of this list is not important for plotting, but must be
consistent with the order of the
parameter. progress_bar_disable
- Disable the progress bar. Defaults to
. n_parallel
- Number of skymaps to prepare in parallel using multiprocessing. Default is
The prepared skymap data as a
- issues encountered with supplied parameters.